Step 1: Vendor Payer Information
- IRS regulations provide that any person, corporation, etc. that is required to file 250 or more 1099 returns must file such returns electronically. Filers with less than 250 returns may also transmit magnetically, electronically (once application is made to IRS and approval received) or simply mail them in).
Important Information
- If you have more than one EIN, you will need to complete the following steps for each EIN.
- Go To Procurement → 1099s
- Click 1099 Electronic File (Print/File tab).
- Payer Number – Select the appropriate Payer Number. The Payer Name, Payer Address, City, State, Zip Code and Telephone Number will default based on the information in the Vendor Payer Master.
- Payer FIN (Federal ID Number) – REQUIRED – Verify the 9-digit Tax Identification Number.
- Payer Name Control – REQUIRED to access the 1099 Electronic File process.
- This is assigned when a company applies for an EIN and typically is the first four letters of the company name.
- Transmitter Control Code:
- Once your application for Filing Information Returns electronically has been approved, you will be assigned a five character alpha/numeric Transmitter Control Code (TCC). Enter the code in this field. (For TCC instructions, see Section 2, Step 2)
- This number is required to electronically file your 1099s.
- Payer Combined Filer — Set to true if your 1099 is to be sent to the Federal level. Once at the Federal level, it will be sent to the State level on the user's behalf by the Federal government. Leave false if you wish to submit the 1099 to the Federal and State level separately.
- Payer Foreign Indicator – Defaults. Will be true is the payer is a foreign entity.
- Payer Last Filing – Defaults. Should be true if this is the last year the payer will file.
- Click Save if you make any changes to the screen.
- Click 1099 Electronic File.
- Use this process to make the Electronic Filing report and transferable file for federal, state, and local governments. Although the alpha characters should be uppercase, the 1099 program will convert any lowercase to uppercase.
- If REQUIRED fields are left blank, no records will be selected.
- The Payer Name Control filed on the Vendor Payer Master screen must not be blank or this process will produce no records. See page X for additional information on the Payer Name Control.
- Electronic Filing File Format:
- Each record must be 750 positions.
- T Record – Identifies the transmitter of magnetic/electronic file and information contained on Forms 4419 and 4804.
- A Record – Identifies the Payer (the institution or person making payments), the type of document being reported, and other miscellaneous information.
- B Record – Identifies the Payee, the specific payment amounts, and information pertinent to that form.
- C Record – Summary of B records for the payees and money amounts by payer and type of return.
- K Record – Summary of State Totals (for Combined Federal / State files).
- F Record – End of Transmission.
Step 2: Sort, File and Year Information
- Sort By – Select. Choices are Vendor Name, Social Security/Tax Number, or Vendor Identification.
- Test File flag – Set to true only if this is test and not your actual submission.
- Calendar Year – Defaults to current year.
- Prior Year Submission flag – Set to true only if this file is a submission for 1099s from a previous year.
- Contact Name, Email Address, Phone and Extension - Enter the name, email address and telephone number of the person to be contacted if the IRS encounters problems with the file or transmission.
- Click Select.
- The file is created with the name: IRATAX
- An error message is returned if there are:
- Hyphens in the phone number
- Transmitter Control Code field is blank
- The Payer Name Control field is blank
Step 3: Run Report DOS COPY Window / Upload File
- The DOS COPY WINDOW displays. The 1099 file is located in E-documents. Download file to your desktop to submit to IRS.
- You are now ready to submit your Electronic File. You can submit the file via:
- The Internet from our server. You can click the GLOBE button on the DOS Copy screen and submit the file now. This will take you directly to the IRS website, where you will submit your 1099 electronically.
Step 4: Upload Electronic File
- If you plan to submit the file at a later time, you can click the Upload Electronic File button on the Print/File tab in the 1099 module. Clicking this button will take you directly to the IRS.