Section 1:Updating Programs

 Step 1: Update RDA Programs

Important Reminders

  •  Before proceeding, it is important to make sure you are using the most current version of OPENRDA.  If RDA normally does your monthly program updates for you, proceed to Step 2.


  •  From the Resource Bar:  System Administration → Version Control → Program Update Status
  •  Select Program Update Status from the task bar and compare the compiled date to the released date.  All compile dates should be the same and all install dates should be the same (the compile and install dates may be different).  If different, programs will need to be downloaded and system updates run.If new programs are needed, follow the steps below:
    •  Be sure no one is currently signed onto OpenRDA while running the updates.  
    •  From the Resource Bar:  System Administration → Version Control → Download Instructions 
    •  From the Task Bar:  Click Download Instructions and follow them as directed.  
    •  Run updates in the order they appear on the task bar.

Section 2: Transmitter Control Code and Forms

 Step 1: Transmitter Control Code

Important Reminders

  •  In order to file returns electronically, you will need a five character alpha/numeric Transmitter Control Code (TCC).  To apply for this number, access the website below:


  •  From the Modules Bar: Procurement → 1099s
  •  From the Resource Bar: Other → 1099s →
  •  In the second paragraph, you will be directed to IRS Form 4419 which is the Application for Filing Information Returns Electronically.


  • If you cannot access the website, it may be because:
    •  You need to set the correct browser in your security profile - My Settings → Preferences → Select the appropriate browser type and click the Save button
    •  Your operating system is outdated and cannot use the URL from the 1099 submenu.

 Step 2: 1099 Forms

Important Reminders

  •  To insure that your 1099 forms align properly, we recommend that you order your 1099 forms from RDA.  You should receive an email by September 1st reminding you to place your order.  The order deadline is generally mid-September.

  •  If you would like to view a 1099 form, you may access the IRS forms site by following the link below:


  •  From the Modules Bar: Procurement → 1099s
  •  From the Resource Bar: Other → 1099s →
  •  Scroll down to the 1099 MISC form in the forms table.


  • If you cannot access the website, it may be because:
    •  You need to set the correct Browser in your security profile: My Settings → Preferences → Select the appropriate browser type and click the Save button).
    •  Your operating system is outdated and cannot use the URL from the 1099 submenu.

Section 3: Verifying the Vendor Payer Master

 Step 1:  Verify Employer 1099 Vendor Payer Master

Important Reminders

  •  The employer information should be verified annually.  There should be a separate pay master number for each EIN your organization is responsible for reporting (create additional ones if necessary).


  •  From the Modules Bar:   Procurement → 1099s
  •  From the Resource Bar:  Other → 1099s → Vendor Payer Master   
  •  Highlight the Vendor Payer Master.  If the browse screen is empty, indicating that the Vendor Payer Master does not exist, please call our Helpdesk.  If the Vendor Payer master displayed in the browse is not the correct one, see Note 1 below before proceeding.
  •  Click Select– The Vendor Payer Maintain Screen displays.    
    •  PAYER Name, Address, City, State, ZIP, Phone. Correct if necessary.    
    •  Payer FIN – Verify the Federal Identification Number. Enter or change it if incorrect or blank.
    •  Payer Name ControlREQUIRED to access the 1099 Electronic File process. The Payer Name Control is part of the A and B record in the electronic file (position 21-24).  This is explained in Publication 1220:  A record (2013: page 39),  B record (2013: page 58).
    •  The Payer name Control can be determined by using the first four significant characters of the business (organization) name. Disregard “the” when it is the first word of the name, unless there are only two words in the name. If the tax identification in the vendor master is a social security number and an individual's name has been entered, the vendor name control is the first four characters of the 1099 Individual's Name (if using the Create Vendor Masters process, the vendor name will automatically be formatted as LAST NAME, FIRST NAME).  For example, John Smith will have a Payer Name Control of 'Smit'.  A dash and an Ampersand are the only acceptable special characters.  Any data in this field is erased if you run the steps referred to in NOTE 1.
    •  Transmitter Control CodeREQUIRED to access the 1099 Electronic File Process. This is a 5-character alpha/numeric code assigned by the IRS once Form 4419 is sent in and approved. The number is used when the electronic file is created. (See Section 2, Step 2).

Additional fields:

  •  Payer Combined Filer – A true flag is required for the Combined Federal/State Filing Federal State Program.
  •  Payer Foreign Indicator Boolean – Set to true if the payer is a foreign entity.
  •  Payer Last Filing Boolean – Set to true if this is the last year the payer will file.
  •  Click Save if changes made or Cancel if no changes made.    
  •  Click Cancel.

Note 1: Adding Additional Vendor Payer Masters

  •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099s
  •  From the Resource Bar: Other → 1099s → Vendor Payer Master
  •  Click Add which is the + sign on the bottom left.
  •  Add the Vendor Payer Information.
  •  Click Save button.

Section 4: Verify/Correct 1099 Vendors and Vouchers

 Step 1:  Verify 1099 Vendors

Important Reminders

  • Use the Report of 1099 Vendors to print:
    •  A list of vendors flagged as 1099 Vendors.
    •  Verify that ALL 1099 Vendors have an assigned Tax ID number in the Vendor Master.
    •  Sole Proprietorship = Use EIN or SSN of the individual being paid. (IRS prefers SSN)
    •  Individual = Use SSN
    • Verify that the ID is entered in the proper format:
      1.  EIN = XX-XXXXXXX
      2.  SSN = XXX-XX-XXXX
  •  Verify that all 1099 Vendors classified as sole proprietorship have a 1099 Individual Name (owner's name) assigned in the Vendor Master.  This name prints first on the 1099

in the Recipient Name field.  The Vendor's Name (dba) prints second on the 1099.


  •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099s → Review Tab
  •  From the Task Bar:  Report of 1099 Vendors
  •  On the Select and Range Tab:  Optional Report Title – enter a user-defined title or leave blank for the default title of 1099 vendors.
  • Selection Criteria -
    •  For a list of ONLY 1099 Vendors, set the Select when Default 1099 Payment FALSE flag to FALSE and the Select when Default 1099 Payment True flag to to TRUE.              
    •  For a list of all Vendors, set both of the above flags to TRUE. This may be helpful if you have Non-1099 Vendors that have vouchers flagged as 1099 payments.                        
    •  Select Ranges if necessary.
    •  Click Select.
  • Report Displays:
    •  Vendor ID
    •  1099 Vendor Name
    •  1099 Status
    •  1099 Type
    •  Tax ID
    •  Type of tax ID (EIN or SSN)
    •  1099 Name
    •  W-9 status


  •  If the Tax ID number is missing, access the Vendor Master and enter the number. The Vendor Master Default 1099 Payment flag will automatically set to TRUE.  Reset to FALSE if this vendor should NOT be classified as a default 1099 vendor.  As vouchers are added for a non-1099 vendor, vouchers may be flagged as a 1099 payment on an individual basis.
  •  If the Tax ID number is not assigned in the Vendor Master, the Tax ID will NOT print on the Vendor's 1099.
  •  If a Vendor's Default 1099 Payment flag has been erroneously set, access the Vendor master and change the Default 1099 Payment flag accordingly (TRUE = 1099 Vendor, FALSE = Regular or Non-1099 Vendor).

 Step 2:  Set 1099 Payments


Important Reminders

  • This step is only necessary if you need to change the 1099 status of a voucher(s) for a particular vendor.  It also makes it possible to unflag all or some vouchers as 1099 payments for a specified vendor.  If no changes are necessary, skip this step.
    •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099 → Review Tab
    •  Enter the vendor ID or use the magnifying glass to select one.
    •  A variety of range criteria is available for voucher selection as well as the ability to specify the type of 1099 payment it is.

  •  If you are unflagging all vouchers for a particular vendor, you will need to: 1) remove the flag in the Vendor Master file indicating that they are a 1099 vendor, and 2) purge the 1099 Master file or delete a specific 1099 vendor from it.   After you have completed Section 4, instructions for deleting a specific vendor from the 1099 master file or purging the whole 1099 master are covered in Section 5.

 Step 3: Verify 1099 Vendors and Vouchers


  •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099 → Review Tab
  •  From the Task Bar:  Vendor Vouchers Report
  •  From the Range Tab:  Sort by Vendor ID or Vendor Name.
  •  User Defined report Title – Enter or leave blank for default title.    
  • Range on desired data:
    •  For OpenRDA Users:
      •  Enter the Calendar Year at the top of the range screen.
      •  You may range on Calendar 1099 amount or Calendar Gross amount.  This will allow you to print vouchers in total for all or selected vendors.  If you want to view only those vendors with 1099 payment vouchers totaling over $600: Calendar 1099 amount range would be $600.00 to $999,999,999,999.99.
  •  Click Select.


  •  Report prints a list of Vouchers flagged as 1099 Vouchers.  
  •  Use this report to verify the 1099 status of a vendor and it's associated vouchers..

  •  Vendors - Are there vendors flagged as 1099 Vendors that should not be flagged as 1099 Vendors?  Are there vendors NOT flagged as 1099 Vendors that should be flagged?
  •  Vouchers - Are vouchers missing from the report?  If so, you will need to change the 1099 Voucher flag to TRUE. This can be done in mass or manually.  Are there vouchers on the report that should NOT be included? If so, you will need to change the 1099 Voucher flag to FALSE. This can be done:
    •  Manually – Access the Vendor Master and select the voucher to be changed.  Click on the Process/Status tab and use the Set 1099 Values button to manually set the 1099 flag to FALSE or TRUE for the voucher selected.
    •  In Mass – Use the Set 1099 Payments process (Instructions in Step 2).

 Step 4:  Zero Vendor Calendar Year File

Important Reminders

  •  This step is only necessary if, after running the Vendor Vouchers Report, there are one or more vouchers that have the wrong calendar year assigned to them.  After changing the calendar year in the voucher, follow the steps below:


  •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099
  •  From the Resource Bar: Maintenance → Change/Set → Zero Vendor Calendar Year File
  •  From the Select and Range Tab:  You can range on vendor ID or name for a selected calendar year.
  •  Proceed to Step 5.

 Step 5:  Re-establish the Calendar Year Data File

Important Reminders

  • This step will reestablish the calendar year data file and is necessary if you have:
    •  Zeroed vendor calendar year file (Step 4 above).
    •  Changed the 1099 status of a particular vendor or any vouchers.


  •  From the Modules Bar: Procurement → 1099
  •  From the Resource Bar: Maintenance → Change/Set → Reestablish Calendar Year Data File
  •  Range on Vendor and/or Calendar Year.
  •  Click the Select button.

  •  NOTE: If informational reporting is done on 1099s for the fiscal year, you may need to Re-establish the Fiscal Year Data file if the 1099 status of a vendor(s) or voucher(s) is changed.  This is available from the Maintenance → Change/Set Menu.  (This process has no effect on 1099s)

Section 5: Load 1099 Amounts and View 1099 Masters

 Step 1: Load 1099 Amounts

Important Reminders

  •  This process reads the Vendor Voucher records (VENVCH), selects those for which the 1099 flag is true, and creates new records in the vendor 1099 database for the calendar selected.


  1.  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099s → Load Tab
  2.  Click Load 1099 Amounts.
  3. Delete any previously saved screen defaults in your home and/or site directories by following the steps below.  The Make 1099 program will create screen defaults in the RDA directory.
    •  Click Save Defaults.
    •  The directory defaults to your personal directory.
    •  Click Delete (trash can).
    •  Click Save Defaults again.
    •  Using the drop down menu, change the directory to your site directory.
    •  Click Delete again.
  4.  Calendar Year – Required.  Defaults to current year.
  5. Payer Number:
    •  Select the appropriate payer number (from your vendor payer master file).  There should be a separate payer number for each EIN your organization is responsible for reporting.
    •  If the Payer number is not available, return to Section 3, Step 2.
  6. Minimum Year-To-Date to Select:
    •  Verify or enter the amount.
    •  Only those vendors having 1099 vouchers above or equal to the minimum will be selected.
    •  The amount is normally $600 or more.
  7.  Range on Vendor ID if necessary.
  8.  Range on Fund or Bank ID if your organization has multiple EIN's which will require you to  print separate batches of 1099s.
  9.  Click the Select button.


  •  If you find errors after loading the 1099s and make corrections to the Vendor Master information or the individual vouchers, you must run the Load 1099 amounts process again in order to overwrite the incorrect 1099 masters.
  •  Purging the 1099 Master: If you find a 1099 master that was created but should not have been, you will need to purge the 1099 master.  Running the Load process again will NOT remove the erroneous master.  To purge these records, follow this menu path from the resource bar: Other → 1099s → Purge → 1099 Data
    •  If all vouchers for a vendor(s) were unflagged using the Set Payments option in Section 4, the vendor should already have been unflagged in the Vendor Master file prior to the purge (Section 4, Step 2)
  •  To remove purged 1099 Masters records, follow the menu path from the resource bar:  Other → 1099s → Purge → Remove Deleted Records

 Step 2:  View 1099 Master

Important Reminders

  •  By using the VEN1099 master screen, you may view and edit 1099 amounts loaded during the Load 1099 Amounts option on the task bar (Step 1).  The browse screen will display amounts for Nonemployee Compensation.  If a vendor is showing a zero amount, select the record to view the 1099 amount type.  The define list may be changed to display the 1099 amount on the browse list.


  •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099s → Load Tab
  •  From the Task Bar: View 1099 Masters
  •  From the Range Tab:  Range on Calendar Year.
  •  Click Select.
  •  Double click the highlighted vendor to review.

  • You may delete vendors from this screen by selecting them, flagging them for deletion and saving them.  It is not necessary to repeat Step 1: Load 1099 Amounts if you have deleted vendors in this step.

Payer Information Tab

  • Employer/Payer Number:
    •  For payers with multiple locations, this field may be used to identify the location of the office submitting the information return.
    •  Leave blank if not applicable to your organization.

Vendor Information Tab

Payee Name Control:

  1.  Field is used for Electronic Filing purposes.
  2.  Field information does not print on the 1099 form.
  3. Defaults to the first four characters in the Vendor Master Vendor Name field.
    •  If you are using electronic filing and if the vendor is a sole proprietorship, the first four characters should be the Last Name of the owner.  If the Vendor Master Vendor Name field is not entered LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, you will need to change the Payee Name Control to the first four letters of the owner's Last Name.
    •  In case of a business, it should be the first four significant characters of the business name. (Comes from the Vendor Master Name field).
    •  A dash (-) and ampersand(&) are the only acceptable special characters.
    •  Embedded blanks, extraneous words, titles, and special characters (i.e., Mr., Mrs., Dr., period [.], apostrophe ['], should be removed from the Payee Name Control).
  4.  Recipient's Tax ID Number
  5. FIN Type
    •  EIN
  6. Recipient's Account Number:
    •  This is an optional field and may be used to designate a checking account, savings account, serial number, or any other number you assign to the payee that is unique and will distinguish the specific account.
    •  Required if multiple 1099s to the same recipient.
    •  Beneficial to include the number of paper forms if your system of records uses the account number rather than the same SSN or EIN identification purposes.
    •  If using reduced rate mail and window envelopes, make sure the account number does not show as the Postal service may not accept these for reduced rate mail.

Amounts Tab

  • Vendor Box Code Descriptions:
    •  Determine into which box the amounts are loaded.  If an amount displays in the wrong box, check the voucher master.  The  voucher's 1099 Type may be incorrect.  Correct the voucher 1099 type in the vendor master, reload 1099 amounts and View 1099 Master to verify change.    
    •  Add 1099 Payments (Screen name:  Change Vendor 1099 Amounts) – 1099 amounts may be added on this screen.  In addition, you may also access the Vendor master file and the 1099 Vendor master range screens here.  (See step 3 below).    
  •  No History Substantiating 1099 payments in Vendor payments – This flag should be turned on if there are no vouchers flagged as 1099 payments, but 1099 amounts have been added through the 'Add 1099 amounts' process.  This flag will prevent the vendor from being purged if it is necessary to run the purge process to make corrections.

 Step 3:  Add 1099 Amounts (Optional)

Important Reminders

  •  The Add 1099 payments button allows you to add additional amounts to the selected vendor 1099 master.  It is normally used when payments have been made to a vendor requiring the completion of a 1099 Miscellaneous  Income form (Return type A), but supporting vouchers are not in your database.  This may be the case if you started using OPENRDA Vendor Payments module after the start of the calendar year and previous payments were not entered in the system.


  •  From the Modules Bar: Procurement → 1099s → Load Tab
  •  From the Task Bar: Add 1099 Amounts
  •  Calendar Year – Defaults to the current year.
  •  Payer Number – Defaults.
  •  Return Type – Defaults but can be changed. 1099-MISC is used most frequently.
  •  Vendor Identification – Click on the magnifying glass. (Tip: From the Select Vendor Master Browse, use the binoculars button to limit the Vendors listed to just 1099 Vendors).
  •  Address ID – Select the appropriate vendor address from the scrolled list.
  •  1099 Vendor Flag:
    •  Defaults based on the Default 1099 Payment flag in the Vendor Master.  (True = 1099 Vendor and Blank= Regular Vendor).
    • If defaults to blank:
      • ~And this vendor SHOULD be a 1099 vendor~
        1.  Set the flag to true by checking the boolean.
        2.  When the additional payment is saved, the Default 1099 Payment flag in the Vendor Master will also be set to true.
      • ~And this vendor should NOT be a 1099 vendor~
        1.  Leave the boolean blank.
        2.  The amount will be added to the 1099, but the vendor will NOT be flagged as a 1099 Vendor.
        3.  A save Warning will display upon saving but you can override it.
  • Federal ID#:
    • Verify that the ID is entered in the proper format:
      1.  EIN = XX-XXXXXXX
      2.  SSN = XXX-XX-XXXX   
    •  Defaults to the Vendor Master Federal EIN if the selected vendor is a business.
    •  Defaults to the Vendor Master Social Security or EIN Number if the selected vendor is a sole proprietorship.
    • Defaults to the SSN if the Vendor is an individual.
      •  If blank, you can enter the appropriate number. This will update the Tax (FIN) Identification field in the Vendor Master and the 1099 Master.  This number is necessary in order to print on the 1099s.
      •  A Save Warning displays upon saving if the field is blank but you can override.
    •  FIN Type – Defaults to the type of Federal Identification (EIN or Social Security number) from the selected vendor master.
      •  Enter in total additional 1099 payments. These are vouchers not entered in OpenRDA.
      •  Click Save.
      •  Repeat the above steps if necessary.
      •  Click Cancel.


  •  If the vouchers are in your database, but are not marked as 1099 vouchers (or the 1099 type is not correct), you should run the Vendor Vouchers Report (Section 4, Step 3) with the boolean checked for Select 1099 payments flag false'. Some or all vouchers may be flagged as 1099 payments by following this menu path: Procurement → 1099 → Review Tab → Set 1099 Payments           
  •  If you change the Federal ID / Social Security Number and FIN Type, this process will update the 1099 flag in the Load 1099 Amounts and the vendor master file.
  • If the vouchers are not in your database, you may prefer to add the supporting vouchers into the Vendor Payments module.  If the vouchers are added in Vendor Payments, the amounts are brought over when you Load 1099 Amounts.  If you add the missing vendor vouchers using the Add 1099 Amounts, the voucher amounts will be overwritten if you must rerun the Load 1099 Amounts.  To add vouchers in Vendor Payments, do the following:
    •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → Vendor Payments
    •  Add Direct Vendor Vouchers → Standard
    •  Type = Balance Sheet
    •  Credit Code – Use the Inter/Intrafund Transfer Account (Ex: 100-9999999)
    •  Debit Code – Use the Inter/Intrafund Transfer Account  (Ex: 100-9999999)
    •  Manual Check – Set to true and provide the check date and number.
  •  This will update the Vendor Master with the 1099 information without affecting the Expenditure Detail Account, the Cash Account or the Expenditure Control Account.
  •  If there are both vouchers and 1099 amounts added, add the missing vouchers last, so that they are not removed if the Purge and Load 1099 Amounts processes are rerun.

 Step 4: Print 1099 MISC Amounts Report


Important Reminders

  •  Print this report now to view 1099 amounts that are loaded.   The report will help you to determine if any information is incorrect or missing.  The report may also be used to assist you in completing the 1096 transmittal of 1099 MISC returns as well as verification of the 1099 forms prior to printing.


  •  From the Modules Bar:  Procurement → 1099s → Load Tab
  •  From the Task Bar:  1099  Amounts Report
  •  Select Calendar Year – Defaults to the current year.
  •  Override Report Title – Enter an optional title if desired.  The default title is 1099 MISC Report.
  •  Sort by – Sort by Vendor Name, Social Security/Tax Number, or Vendor ID.
  •  Column 1-5 – Set 1099 Types to print in each column.   Since Non-Employee Compensation and Rents are the usual governmental types, it is suggested that these be selected for columns 1 and 2 and saved in defaults.
  •  You may range on vendor ID or 1099 payer number.
  •  Click Select.

Section 6: Print 1099s and Labels

  •  Please note that RDA can print and mail your 1099s for you.  Please call us about pricing at: Local - 770-479-7933, Out of State - 800-338-4984.

  •  1099 Printing options have changed for the 2014 calendar year and will apply for all upcoming years.  The new instructions below detail the changes and what you will need to do to properly print your 1099s.

  •  In order to print laser 1099s, your printer must have passed the laser test.  If you have not done the laser test, please go to Section 2, Step 1.


 Perforated Paper

  1.  Procurement → 1099s → Print/File Tab → Print 1099s > NEC or MISC
  2.  Select Plain Paper Forms.
  3.  From the Which Form dropdown menu, select Copy B.
  4.  Click Run (orange cog button).
  5.  Review the forms.  If correct, click the printing icon and print your Copy B 1099s.
  6.  Repeat these steps once again for Copy C and Copy 2.

 Plain Copy Paper

  •  Plain Copy Paper does not have perforations and both the front and back of the paper is blank.

  1.  Procurement → 1099 → Print/File Tab → Print 1099s > NEC or MISC
  2.  Select Plain Paper Forms.
  3.  From the Which Form dropdown menu, select Copy B.
  4.  Click Run (orange cog button).
  5.  Review the forms.  If correct, click the printing icon and select your printer.  URGENT! Confirm the page scaling option is set to none.  If your duplex options are not set up correctly, they may need adjustments also.
  6.  Repeat these steps once again for Copy C and Copy 2.
  7.  The same 1099 will print on the top and bottom of each page.  This allows you to simply fold and deliver the page (no cutting and separating required).  Your vendor will receive two copies of each vendor form.

 Pre-Printed Forms

  •  Pre-Printed Forms have perforations and the boxes are located on the front while the instructions are on the back.

  1.  Procurement → 1099 → Print/File Tab → Print 1099s > NEC or MISC
  2.  Select Plain Paper Forms.
  3.  From the Which Form dropdown menu, select Pre-printed.
  4.  Click Run (orange cog button).
  5.  Review the forms.  If correct, click the printing icon and print your Copy A 1099s.   NOTE:  Copy A should be printed on the RED Pre-printed forms.
  6.  Repeat these steps once again for Copy B and Copy C and Copy 2.

  •  Note: Print a few 1099s on plain paper to verify accuracy before printing on 1099 form.

 Print 1099 Labels

Important Reminders

  •  This optional process prints labels to accompany the 1099 MISC forms (if not using window envelopes).


  •  Go to Procurement → 1099s → Print/File Tab
  •  Click Print 1099 Labels.
  •  Calendar YearREQUIRED. Defaults to current year.
  •  Sort By - Vendor Name, Social Security/Tax Number, or Vendor Identification.
  •  Range on Payer Number or Vendor ID.
  •  Click Select to print 1099 labels.

Section 7: Electronic Filing

 Step 1: Vendor Payer Information

  •  IRS regulations provide that any person, corporation, etc. that is required to file 250 or more 1099 returns must file such returns electronically.  Filers with less than 250 returns may also transmit magnetically, electronically (once application is made to IRS and approval received) or simply mail them in).

Important Information

  •  If you have more than one EIN, you will need to complete the following steps for each EIN.


  •  Go To Procurement → 1099s
  •  Click 1099 Electronic File (Print/File tab).
  •  Payer Number – Select the appropriate Payer Number.   The Payer Name, Payer Address, City, State, Zip Code and Telephone Number will default based on the information in the Vendor Payer Master.
  •  Payer FIN (Federal ID Number) – REQUIRED – Verify the 9-digit Tax Identification Number.
  • Payer Name Control – REQUIRED to access the 1099 Electronic File process.
    •  This is assigned when a company applies for an EIN and typically is the first four letters of the company name.  
  •  Transmitter Control Code:
    •  Once your application for Filing Information Returns electronically has been approved, you will be assigned a five character alpha/numeric Transmitter Control Code (TCC). Enter the code in this field.  (For TCC instructions, see Section 2, Step 2)
    •  This number is required to electronically file your 1099s.
  •  Payer Foreign Indicator – Defaults. Will be true is the payer is a foreign entity.
  •  Payer Last Filing – Defaults. Should be true if this is the last year the payer will file.
  •  Click Save if you make any changes to the screen.
  •  Click 1099 Electronic File.


  •  Use this process to make the Electronic Filing report and transferable file for federal, state, and local governments. Although the alpha characters should be uppercase, the 1099 program will convert any lowercase to uppercase.
  •  If REQUIRED fields are left blank, no records will be selected.
  •  The Payer Name Control filed on the Vendor Payer Master screen must not be blank or this process will produce no records. See page X for additional information on the Payer Name Control.

  •  Electronic Filing File Format:
    •  Each record must be 750 positions.
    •  T Record – Identifies the transmitter of magnetic/electronic file and information contained on Forms 4419 and 4804.
    •  A Record – Identifies the Payer (the institution or person making payments), the type of document being reported, and other miscellaneous information.
    •  B Record – Identifies the Payee, the specific payment amounts, and information pertinent to that form.
    •  C Record – Summary of B records for the payees and money amounts by payer and type of return.
    •  K Record – Summary of State Totals (for Combined Federal / State files).
    •  F Record – End of Transmission.

 Step 2: Sort, File and Year Information


  •  Sort By – Select. Choices are Vendor Name, Social Security/Tax Number, or Vendor Identification.
  •  Test File flag – Set to true only if this is test and not your actual submission.
  •  Calendar Year – Defaults to current year.
  •  Prior Year Submission flag – Set to true only if this file is a submission for 1099s from a previous year.
  •  Contact Name, Email Address, Phone and Extension - Enter the name, email address and telephone number of the person to be contacted if the IRS encounters problems with the file or transmission.
  •  Click Select.
    •  The file is created with the name: IRATAX
    •  An error message is returned if there are:
      •  Hyphens in the phone number
      •  Transmitter Control Code field is blank
      •  The Payer Name Control field is blank

 Step 3: Run Report DOS COPY Window / Upload File


  •  The DOS COPY WINDOW displays. The 1099 file is located in E-documents.  Download to your desktop to send to the IRS.
  • You are now ready to submit your Electronic File. You can submit the file via:
    •  The Internet from our server.  You can click the GLOBE button on the DOS Copy screen and submit the file now. This will take you directly to the IRS website, where you will submit your 1099 electronically.

 Step 4: Upload Electronic File 

  •  If you plan to submit the file at a later time, you can click the Upload Electronic File button on the Print/File tab in the 1099 module.  Clicking this button will take you directly to the IRS.