What This Process Does
- Allows for the reversal and/or removal of completed payroll processes/transactions, when corrections need to be made; normally undo processes are only done for the current, most recent, payroll.
- Provides a paper trail of reversals for Undo Update Payroll History, Undo Clear Checks/Transmittals, Undo Update Bank Reconciliation, and Undo Payroll Distribution.
Best Practices
- Undo processes MUST begin from the LAST COMPLETED PROCESS, and move up through the Undo Payroll Process menu until the last undo process needed for the correction is completed.
- It is not necessary to Undo Post Activity, since offsetting activity will be created by the Undo Payroll Distribution and Undo Clear Checks/Transmittals, which will then be posted.
- If corrections affecting employee net pay are needed for the CURRENT Pay ID and Paychecks/Direct Deposits have NOT been released to the Employee(s) affected, AND the Direct Deposit ACH File has NOT been Uploaded to the Bank (or the Bank is able to Delete the Incorrect Record), it is Recommended to UNDO the necessary Processes to make Corrections.
- For organizations using the Substitute Management Module, the Make Transactions Process MUST NOT be Undone UNLESS it is for the most recent Payroll which includes Substitutes.
- Refer to the individual Solutions for specific Undo process(es).
Undo Payroll Processes (Guidelines)
- HR → Payroll → Maintenance → Undo Payroll Process
FIELDS | Opt. | Rec. | Req. | Description |
Select Pay Identification | — | — | ♦ | Choose the CORRECT Pay ID in the Dropdown |
Range on Personnel ID | ♦ | — | — | Enter the Personnel ID (RDA recommends this option when Corrections are needed for only ONE Employee) |
Opt. = Optional Rec. = Recommended Req. = Required |
- REVIEW the Range Options available on the Undo process being run to determine which, if any, are appropriate for the given situation ~ to Undo the process for ALL Employees in the Pay ID - DO NOT Range AT ALL
NOTE: If a No Records ERROR is received, it could be due to a Range that found NO matching records, the WRONG Pay ID having been selected, or the process may have already been run.
- Click Select/Write to Database (Cog)
- View/Print the Report
Note: Reports are NOT received for Undo Make Transactions, Undo Compute, or any of the Undo Select Payroll processes.
- Verify information on the Report is Accurate
- Set Flags to Complete the Undo process and Update the Database
- Depending on the process run, there may be prompts to acknowledge that the process has entirely completed by Clicking the X in the OK Acknowledgement screen
- After running the necessary Undo process(es) ~ Make Corrections as needed (to Deductions, Accounts, etc)
- Re-Run the Payroll Process(es) (Ex: Compute Payroll, Make Transactions, etc)
Common Undo Scenarios
Gross Pay is Incorrect, or Job(s)/Employee(s) should be REMOVED from a Payroll
- Keep in mind that if all that needs to be changed is the gross pay for a particular Rate ID (for example, an employee's HOURLY UNIT), to avoid having to Undo Select simply use the Pay Individual Jobs process to enter the correct units/amount, which will override/replace what was previously saved. (The only exception to this, is if the Payroll GSV Earnings Style is set to Add to Existing, in which case unselect the Job.) Otherwise, undo back through Undo Select Payroll.
NOTE: Be careful to range on Personnel ID, unless it is necessary to unselect/remove every employee from the payroll. Use Unselect Payroll by Personnel ID to remove all gross pay for the employee. Use Unselect Payroll by Job Rate or Job Master to remove (with appropriate ranging) only a portion of the gross pay for the employee. An alternate option for unselecting is to access the Pay Master / Pay ID → Personnel Pay → Job Pay, and use the Unselect this Job button/feature. After running Undo Select, if it's necessary to add gross earnings to the employee(s), select them into the Pay ID, and then run all remaining payroll processes as normal (Total Select Payroll Report, Compute Payroll, etc).
Deductions are Incorrect
- Undo back through Compute Payroll. In the Undo Compute Payroll process, flag Zero Check Numbers and/or Zero Transmittal Numbers to remove previously-assigned check and/or direct deposit transmittal numbers. After running Undo Compute, make the necessary deduction correction(s), and then re-Compute Payroll, and run all remaining payroll processes as normal. Range on the Personnel ID when running Set Check Numbers or Set Direct Deposit Numbers to reset only for the employee(s) that have been undone.
NOTE: Only Zero Check Number/Transmittal Numbers IF NET PAY is Changing.
Accounting is Incorrect
- Undo back through Make Transactions.
NOTE: If an error message has been received, and it is uncertain what is incorrect, run the FINDIT reports before undoing make transactions. After running Undo Make Transactions, correct the accounting problem(s). Always undo Make Transactions before correcting the accounting.
Direct Deposit Rejected and a Check Needs to be Issued to an Employee
- Undo back through Compute Payroll. In that process, flag Zero Transmittal Numbers to remove the previously-assigned direct deposit transmittal number. Then, inactivate the employee's direct deposit deduction, re-Compute Payroll, run Deduction Register, Set Check Numbers (Ranging on Personnel ID), run and review the Check and Payroll Registers, and Print Check (Ranging on Personnel ID). Finish by running the remaining payroll processes.
Check/Direct Deposit Archives Are NOT in Pay Master
- If the Archive Checks/Direct Deposit step was missed, Undo Update Payroll History. Then Archive Checks/Direct Deposits, and re-Update Payroll History.
Checks/Direct Deposit Transmittals Printed with the WRONG Check/Direct Deposit Date
- Undo Update Bank Reconciliation, and Undo Clear Checks. In the case of checks, mark them as ruined in the Bank Rec module. Then, re-Set Check/Direct Deposit Numbers, entering the correct Date, run and review the Registers, and Print Check/Direct Deposits. Re-run Update Bank Rec and Clear Checks.
Pay ID has the WRONG Calendar Month/Year
- Undo Update Payroll History. Then, go to the Pay Master, and change the Calendar Month/Year as necessary. Lastly, run Update Payroll History.
Pay ID has the WRONG Fiscal Month/Year
- Undo Update Payroll History through Undo Make Transactions. Then, go to the Pay Master, and change the Fiscal Month/Year as appropriate. Lastly, re-run Make Transactions through Update Payroll History.
Year-to-Dates are NOT on Checks/Direct Deposit Transmittals
- This occurs when Checks/Direct Deposit Transmittals are printed or archived after Update Payroll History was run. Undo Update Payroll History. Then, Print aor Archive Checks/Direct Deposits. Finally, Re-Update Payroll History.
Specific Undo Processes
Undo Board Paid Benefits ONLY (available based on version of software)
- Run to remove employer deductions that were entered via the Board Paid Benefits Only process.
Undo Leave Docked Transactions (only applies if the automatic Leave Docked calculation is in place)
- Run if Pay Jobs in Mass has been completed, but an employee with a Leave Dock amount needs to be unselected from the payroll. This process unsets the Dock Completed and Dock Computed flags, so the dock amount will recalculate and pull into the Select Payroll in Mass. Undo Leave Docked Transactions before running Undo Select Payroll.
Undo Substitute Work Transaction Payments
- Unselect Substitutes (available if using Substitute Management/Employee Absentee modules) – Run this if additional transactions need to be selected via the Pay Substitutes for a substitute who has already been selected into the payroll. This process unsets the Final flag so that all transactions for the substitute can be re-selected into the payroll.