What This Process Does

  • Enables Employers to send Electronic Heath Savings Account (HSA) contributions
  • This is ONLY available in OpenRDA Version 4.0

Best Practice

  • Use a Template when possible - Although using an Existing Deduction Description to Add a new one is NOT required, it IS recommended for a faster and more accurate setup
  • IMPORTANT NOTE:  Pay Types and Gross Definition Deduction Profiles contain a method of including or excluding Direct Deposits in payrolls.  If the Deduction Description has a Deduction Type where the first 10 characters are DIRECT DEP, this deduction is a direct deposit and will compute if Pay Types and/or Gross ID Deduction profiles include direct deposit. 

Add HSA Deduction Description

  • HR → Payroll → Setup → Deductions → Deduction Description
  • Load a SIMILAR HSA Deduction Description or Click Add (+)
Deduction Description ID

Enter a Unique Name for the Deduction Description 

(REVIEW EXISTING Description IDs for Reference/Consistency with Setup) 

Short Description

Enter a Short Description for the Deduction Description 

(ONLY the First 9 Characters Display) 

Type Tab


Deduction Type

Load the Desired Deduction Type

(Two sets of Deduction Types are available to use depending on whether the Bank wants the HSA Amount as an Addenda record [similar to Electronic Child Support payments] or Non-Addenda record [similar to Direct Deposit])
  • DIRECT DEPHSA-E for EmployEE-Paid for Non-Addenda Records
  • DIRECT DEPHSA-R for EmployER-Paid for Non-Addenda Records
  • DIRECT HSA-E for EmployEE-Paid for Addenda Records
  • DIRECT HSA-R for EmployER-Paid for Addenda Records

Auto-Populates from the Selected Deduction Type

Voluntary Computation Level

Auto-Populates from the Selected Deduction Type

Lowest Cost Health CoverageSelect IF Deduction Type is Lowest Cost Health Coverage
Coverage Code

Choose the Desired Coverage Code in the Dropdown (optional)

Deduction Type Tax Shelter LanesAuto-Populates from the Selected Deduction Type
Vendor Identification

Load the Desired Vendor Identification 

(Required on the Deduction Description, but NOT used since the Amount will NOT be Paid through Vendor Withholding [similar to Direct Deposit])

Address Identification

Load the Desired Address Identification

Print on Separate CheckSelect to Print on a Separate Check 
(Deduction Amount Prints on a Separate Vendor Withholding Check INSTEAD OF combining it with other Deductions for the SAME Vendor)
VW Advice

Select to Include on the VW Advice Report

Transmittal Routing NumberEnter the Destination Bank's Routing Number
DOL Code (applies to STATE Deduction Type)

Enter the DOL Code (if applicable)
Identification Number (Local and State Tax)

Enter the Identification Number (if applicable)

Enter the Desired Identification 
(Groups Deductions together for Reporting and Ranging, including the Deductions by ID Report ~ Ex: Enter HEALTH and ALL Deductions with the SAME Identifier will be Included)
Employer ID

Load the Desired Employer ID

W2 Deduction Type

Load HSA EMPLOYER (Use for EmployEE AND EmployER Paid Deductions)

Benefit Plan Renewal Date

Enter the Benefit Plan Renewal Date (if applicable)
Compute Type
Compute Type
Choose Flat Amount
  • IF Amounts VARY for Employees Dollar Amount should remain $0.00 (Enter applicable amount on each Employee's Deduction)
  • IF Amount is the SAME for ALL Employees Enter that Dollar Amount
Use Start and Ending Date

Select to Use a Start and Ending Date
Enter the Desired Dates
Use Gross Amount Limit

Select to Use a Gross Amount Limit
Enter the Desired Limit Dollar Amount
Use Withholding Limit

Select to Use a Withholding Limit
Choose Calendar Year or Fiscal Year in the Dropdown
Enter the Desired Limit Dollar Amount
Use Pay Period Limit (enter pay period limit in employee's deduction master)

Select to Use a Pay Period Limit
Enter the Desired Limit Dollar Amount in the Employee's Deduction Master
Allow Standard Deduction
Use Personnel Deduction

Select to Allow a Standard Deduction

Enter the Desired Dollar Amount


Select to Use the Personnel Deduction
Allow Exemptions
Use Personnel Deduction

Select to Allow Exemptions

Enter the Desired Dollar Amount

Select to Use the Personnel Deduction
Range on Contract Months

Select to Range on Contract Months
Choose Month From and Month End in the Dropdowns
Reported Months

Enter the Desired Number

Group Deduction Number

Enter the Desired Group Deduction Number

Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

Flags Tab

  • As a general rule, the following Flags should be Selected: Active, Reduce Net, Expensed, and Electronic Transfer 
  • Rate Types and Blocking Rates should be based on the particular Deduction being added (Ex: IF the Deduction should compute on ALL PAY, then the Flags should be Selected for Base, Overtime, Supplemental, and Nothing)

Description, Table Name, Computation, Rate Selection, Gross Amount, and Affect Select Tabs

  • Review the information on all of these Tabs, to make sure nothing needs to be Changed or Removed


Direct Draft vs Direct Deposit Registers

  • DIRECT HSA-E or DIRECT HSA-R will be included on the Direct DRAFT Register 
  • DIRECT DEPHSA-E or DIRECT DEPHSA-R will be included on the Direct DEPOSIT Register 

HSA Direct Deposit File (DIRDEPDSKHSA)

  • The File used for Transmittals is located in HR Payroll → Reports → User Define Reports HSA DIRECT DEPOSIT FILE

NOTE: IF the Report is NOT located in the User Define Reports, please submit a Helpdesk Ticket or call RDA at 800.338.4984 for assistance with setting it up.

Electronic HSA - Employee Deduction
Adjustment/Additional AmountRequired if Flat Amount has not been entered on the Deduction Description ID. Leave at zero if Flat Amount was entered on the Deduction Description.
Case/Account NumberIf using Deduction Types DIRECT HSA-E or DIRECT HSA-R , enter the bank account number to which the HSA contributions will be deposited (will be used as an addenda record on the ACH file). If using Deduction Types DIRECT DEPHSA-E or DIRECT DEPHSA-R, leave this field blank
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

Direct Deposit Tab

ACH ActiveBoolean must be set to true
Checking Account-Check this boolean (true) if the HSA account is a checking account; leave unchecked (false) if the HSA account is a savings account
Bank Account Number-If using Deduction Types DIRECT HSA-E or DIRECT HSA-R , this field will be grayed out and blank, since the bank account number in the Case/Account Number field will be used as an addenda record on the ACH file. If using Deduction Types DIRECT DEPHSA-E or DIRECT DEPHSA-R, enter the employee's HSA account number here
Routing NumberDefaults from Deduction Description
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required


Part of HSA Deposit Returned Due to WRONG Account Number

Two choices:

1. Undo the Payroll back through Compute Payroll for the Employee involved

  • Change the HSA Direct Deposit Information
  • Re-Run the Payroll  
  • Send a NEW Direct Deposit File (with ONLY the information for the revised HSA Direct Deposit) to the Bank 

2. Hold the funds until the NEXT Payroll and Add the Returned Amount to the Employee's Direct Deposit HSA Amount

  • Requires Editing the DD Text File for the Employee's HSA Account Amount and Changing the GRAND TOTAL in two places

  at the bottom of the Report

  (Remember to keep the File Context/Spacing in Tact when Changing Values and to Re-Save the File as a .txt File)