What This Process Does

  • Normally used when board paid (employer paid) benefits from a previously completed Board Paid Benefits Only Pay ID are the same for a subsequent Board Paid Benefits Only Pay ID, thus eliminating the need to enter benefits each time separately for each employee/retiree.
  • Copies board paid benefits from one Pay Identification to a new one.
  • Unless indicated on the Select and Range Tab, the deduction gross will also be copied.

Best Practices

  • Benefits should be copied to a new unique Pay ID only.
  • Do not copy benefits to a Pay Master/Pay ID with employee's who are being paid.
  • Use the range options to exclude by pay group or contract months, if needed.
  • If some benefits should not be included in the new Pay ID, they can be removed after the copy process by using the Undo Board Paid Benefits process (outlined below).

Copy Board Paid Benefits to Another Pay Master/Pay ID

  • HR → Payroll → Payroll Task Menu Start Tab → Board Paid Benefits Only → Copy Board Paid Benefits
  • Create new Pay ID for Board Paid payroll.

From Pay IDUse the drop down to locate the Pay ID which the Board Paid Benefits should be copied from; normaly this is a previous Board Paid Benefits Only Pay ID
To New Pay IDType in the new Pay ID created for the Board Paid Benefits payroll
Do Not Copy Deduction Gross to New Pay IDCheck (select) boolean if deduction gross from previous pay master should not be copied to the new Pay ID; Only applicable when copying board paid benefits from a regular payroll that contains gross to a board paid only payroll
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

  • Ranging options such as Pay Group, Gross ID or contract months can be used to only copy board paid benefits from a specific group of employees.
  • Click on Write to Database.
  • Click OK to Acknowledge the process has completed.
  • IMPORTANT: Once the copy has completed, access the Pay Master and edit the Calendar Month, Calendar Year, Fiscal Month, Fiscal Year, Start and End Dates for the new payroll; This must be done prior to running Make Transactions.
  • If board paid benefits need to be removed from the Pay Master, in OpenRDA go to Maintenance → Undo Payroll Process → Board Paid Benefits Only or in Xpert go to Payroll Process Submenu → Process Undo Submenu → Undo Board Paid Benefits Only
  • Range on Personnel ID and all benefits for that Personnel ID will be removed.
  • If all benefits are correct, continue running Board Paid Benefits Only process which includes:
    • Compute Payroll Audit Trail
    • Deduction Register
    • Make Transactions
    • Payroll Distribution
    • Update Payroll History
    • Post Activity