Section 6: Archive W-2s
Archive W2s
- Archive W2s should be done regardless of the W-2 delivery method chosen.
- This step is a prerequisite to Email W2s and Upload (W-2) Documents to ESS.
- This process will archive each W-2 as a Personnel Document, accessible in Personnel Demographics → Personnel → Documents.
- The Control Number will automatically be part of the file name; therefore it is essential that Control Numbers have been assigned prior to archiving. NOTE: If you archive W-2s, and later need to reassign Control Numbers, the previously archived W-2s must be purged, and the new documents must be archived. Please refer to the Purge instructions below.
- Failure to purge previously archived W2s, when Control Numbers have changed, will result in the wrong W2 being associated with each employee.
- Go to the Payroll W2 Processing module → Print/File tab
- Select Archive W2s.
- Ensure the report name begins with the year that matches the tax year of the W2s that are being archived, such as 2023-w2x4-edoc Range Screen
- Run the report with no ranges
- The archive process may take several minutes; do not initiate another process until it completes.
- If 2nd W2 is needed for employees that exceed 4 Box 12 amounts, all copies will be included in the archive
Purge Personnel Documents (If Necessary)
- If you have archived W-2s, and then need to re-archive for any reason (i.e., you had to reassign Control Numbers, made corrections), the archived Personnel Documents must be purged.
- Go to HR → Payroll W2 Processing → Maintenance → Purge
- Select Purge Personnel Documents.
- Range on Document Type ID of W2 FORM.
- It is also recommended that you range on Date of Last Notification, which is the date the W-2s were archived. (Look in Personnel Documents to find the W2 FORM for an employee to verify the Date of Last Notification)
- No other ranging is necessary to purge W2s for all employees
- Click Run/Print Report.
- A report will generate for verification. If the documents listed should NOT be purged, then cancel out of the report, and cancel out of the Purge Personnel Documents report chain window. If the documents listed should be purged, then Set flags/Update.
- Next, remove deleted records: Go to the System Administration → Database/Transaction Processing → Remove Deleted Records, select PRSNNL library and PERDOC file, click Select (the cog) and Cancel.