Section 6: Delivery Method - Employee Self Serve
W-2s in Employee Self Serve (ESS)
- Your organization's Employee Self Serve (ESS) site must be active.
- You must receive each employee's consent to receive only an electronic W-2 (consent is not required if you will additionally be providing a paper copy of the form). To obtain employees' consent, have them log into ESS, Click Employee Self Serve to OPEN the Employee Master View. Click Request Data Change. Check or Uncheck Paperless W2 Consent.
- W-2s must be archived, via the Archive W2s process.
- In order for the W-2 archives to be available (in the Document Type drop-down list) to be uploaded to ESS, the W2 FORM Document Type needs to be flagged as being a Document Type that is able to be uploaded. In the Personnel module, go to Setup -> Document Types: select the W2 FORMS Document Type, and make sure "Upload to ESS" is flagged.
Upload Documents to Employee Self Serve (ESS)
- From the Print/File tab, select Upload Documents to ESS (or go to HR → Personnel → Maintenance → Open Self Serve → Uploads → Upload Documents)
- Range on Document Type of W2 FORM to W2 FORM.
- Ranging on Last Notification Date is also recommended. This date corresponds to the date the W2s were archived and can be found on any employee's W2 Personnel Document.
- Click Run/Print Report.
- Once upload process is completed, the documents will be available to view/print in ESS.
- Employees can find their W-2, in pdf format, in Files on the Employee Master View.
- A W2 can be viewed by clicking the Download link.
- A downloaded W-2 can be printed by clicking the printer icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Print W2s
- If you need to print any W-2s out of OpenRDA, refer to Section 6: W-2 Delivery Method/Form or Paper Copy. If you want to print W-2s only for those employees that did not give their consent to paperless-only W-2s, you would range on Paperless W2 Consent False, and not Paperless W2 Consent True.