Update Tax Deductions/Tax Tables (FEDERAL and STATE)
To update any Tax/Garnishment Tables, you must have the latest program updates.
Please refer to the Product Announcement(s) to ensure the version of programs that contain New Year GARNISHMENT changes.
1. From the Version Control module in System Administration, Click Update Payroll on the HR Tab.
2. After the Select All programs have been run, go back to Make Payroll and specifically Select/Highlight/Click On option number 62 [BuildSTDTBL] (aka Build Standard Tax Tables) on the Resource List. (Running 62 Only updates the tax and garnishment tables, it does not affect the Deduction Setup)
3. Click Select as the system does NOT run this automatically with the regular updates. This resource updates all tax tables, but will not affect Deduction Setup)
To automatically update the annual FEDERAL tables, you must have a Payroll (mkpayroll) module.
Please refer to the Product Announcement(s) to ensure the version of programs that contain New Year FEDERAL changes.
Before the first payroll of the new calendar year, follow the directions below to update to the tax changes.
Please refer to the Product Announcements to ensure the version of programs that contain New Year State changes; if required.
Once tax tables have been updated, go to Payroll - Setup - Deductions - Deduction Descriptions. Any tax deductions with changes, must be updated at the Deduction level using the Copy Standard Setup. Examples below for FEDERAL, FEDERAL2020 and State.
- To automatically update the FEDERAL and FEDERAL2020 tax tables and tax deductions, do the following:
- From the Payroll module, access Deduction Descriptions under Setup.
- Access the FEDERAL deduction (Do this for the FEDERAL2020 deduction as well).
- Click on the Compute tab.
- Click the Copy Standard Setup button (to the left of the Compute Type field).
- The Deduction Description ID should reflect the FEDERAL deduction, and the Deduction Type should also reflect the FEDERAL deduction. Click the Select button.
- The FEDERAL tax tables will update to the 2025 rates. DO NOT engage the Save button.
- Verify the change to the exemption amount by canceling out of the screen and re-selecting the FEDERAL Deduction Description.
- Verify the change to the tax tables by going to Tables (either via the Tables button at the bottom right on the Deduction Description Master Maintain Screen OR from Setup -> Define Tables).
If the update was successful, Title 2 of the two FEDERAL tables (ANNUAL FEDERAL WITHHOLDING SINGLE and ANNUAL FEDERAL WITHHOLDING MARRIED) will reflect 2025.
- There is a change in the FICA and FICA-M deductions. The 1st $176,100 in wages is taxed at 6.2%, for 2025. Use the Copy Standard Setup button as you did with the FEDERAL deduction to update the threshold.
- There is no change in the MEDICARE or MEDICARE-M deductions. For 2025, the 1st $200,000 in wages is taxed at 1.45%.
Make sure you see an expression on the Computation tab (for the MEDICARE deduction ONLY) that includes the 200,000 and the additional .009 rate. If not, use the Copy Standard Setup to ADD the expression.
- To automatically update the STATE tax tables and tax deductions, do the following:
- From the Payroll module, access Deduction Descriptions.
- Access the STATE Deduction Description
- Click on the Compute tab.
- Click the Copy Standard Setup button (to the left of the Compute Type field).
- The Deduction Description ID should reflect the STATE deduction, and the Deduction Type should also reflect the STATE deduction. Click the Select button.
- The Copy feature will automatically update tax tables, exemption amounts and standard deductions as applicable. DO NOT engage the Save button.
- Verify the change to the tax tables (if applicable) by accessing the tables (either via the Tables button at the bottom right on the Deduction Description Master Maintain Screen OR from Setup -> Define Tables).
If the update was successful, Title 2 of the two STATE tax tables (SINGLE and MARRIED) will reflect 2025.