What This Process Does

  • This process clears checks and transmittals in the fiscal month/year corresponding to the Check Date and Direct Deposit Transmittal Date. It clears balance sheet codes (credits cash, and debits payable/liability accounts). Debits should equal Credits.
  • NOTE: that the Clear Checks/Transmittals process is not necessary for Board Paid Benefits Only entries, since there are not any checks/direct deposits associated with Board Paid Benefits.

Best Practices

  • If you are doing an accrual payroll (expensed to current fiscal year), but the checks/direct deposits are dated for the upcoming fiscal year, the upcoming fiscal year must have been opened in Financial Management. Opening the fiscal year in Financial Management creates the year masters for the account codes (FINBYR, FINEYR and FINRYR), as well as the fiscal year master (FINYEAR). If this has not been done, errors will occur when Clear Checks and Transmittals is initiated.

Clear Checks and Transmittals

  • HR → Payroll → Finish Tab → Clear Checks/Transmittals
  • Review the Instructions tab for more information about this process.
  • Populate the Show Balance Sheet Detail on Printout field, as preferred, and save defaults.

Pay IdentificationSelect the current Pay ID
Show Balance Sheet Detail on Printoutmark as True/False as preferred
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

  • Under normal circumstances, you would run the process without ranging, in order to clear checks/transmittals for all employees in the Pay ID; however, range criteria is available for scenarios when you need to clear checks/transmittals for an individual payroll fund or employee
  • Click Select to run the process
  • Error messages will generate if (1) the fiscal year master (FINYEAR) is not active, (2) the year masters (FINBYR) for the balance sheet codes are not active or are deleted, or (3) the account masters (FINBACC) for the balance sheet codes are not active or are deleted
  • View/print the report
  • Verify that the fiscal year and month are correct, keeping in mind that the process automatically selects the year and month which correspond to the Check/Direct Deposit Dates assigned during the Set Check Numbers and Set Direct Deposit Numbers processes
  • Verify that the report reflects the correct accounts and amounts, and that Debits = Credits
  • The totals on this report should agree with the Check Register plus Direct Deposit Register, less any expensed flat amount/percent direct deposit deductions; refer to the Instructions tab for a description of deductions that are not included in the totals
  • Click Cancel and then Set Flags; setting flags updates the database, and also automatically saves the report in the Payroll module's E-Documents
  • If you do not Set Flags, the Clear Checks/Transmittals process will not be completed
  • Click OK in the acknowledgment window
  • Troubleshooting: If you get a "no records selected" message, it is most likely because:
    • One or more processes prior to Clear Checks/Transmittals has not been run, or flags weren't set on a process; to verify which processes have been run, go to Pay Master → Personnel Pay → choose an employee → select a job → Job Pay → Transactions → Status
    • The check date is in the next fiscal year, and you do not have that fiscal year open in Financial Management; the Fiscal Year and Month are derived from the date of the checks (not the Fiscal Year and month on the Pay ID), so once you open the fiscal year, you should be able to run your clear checks