What Does This Process

  • This process updates the calendar and fiscal year files for each employee. This is a recap of the Payroll/Deduction Registers (it shows units, gross and deduction and net amounts), so you may not find that it is necessary to print.
  • Important Note: Prior to running this process, make sure you have already printed and/or archived checks and direct deposit transmittals; otherwise, employees' YTDs will not appear on their pay stubs.

Update Payroll History

  • HR → Payroll → Finish Tab → Update Payroll History
  • Select the current Pay ID in the Pay Identification field.
  • Under normal circumstances, you would run the process without ranging, in order to update the payroll history for all employees in the Pay ID; however, range criteria is available for scenarios when you only need to update payroll history for an individual employee.
  • Click Select to run the process.
  • View/print the report.
  • Verify the Calendar Year-Month and Fiscal Year-Month which appear at the top of the report.
  • IMPORTANT: Tax reports select information from the calendar year files, so if the Calendar month or year is incorrect on the Pay Master/Pay ID, then the wages/taxes will not be in the correct period. If the calendar year/month is incorrect, do not set flags on this process. Return to the Pay Master/Pay ID and select the correct calendar year/month.
    If the Fiscal month or year is incorrect, do not set flags on this process. In this case, you must undo Clear Checks, undo Distribution and undo Make Transactions. Then change the fiscal year/month on the Pay Master/Pay ID and re-run Make Transactions, Distribution and Clear Checks.
  • Verify the deduction total at the bottom of the report.
  • Ignore the gross amount because it is meaningless; it's a total of all deductions' taxable wages.
  • Click Cancel and then Set Flags; setting flags updates the database, and also automatically saves the report in the Payroll module's filing cabinet.
  • If you do not Set Flags, the Update Payroll History process will not be completed.
  • Click OK in the acknowledgment window.
  • Troubleshooting: If you get a “no records selected” message, it most likely means a previous required process has not been completed for the Pay ID, or, the Update Payroll History process was already completed for the Pay ID. You can verify if the process was completed by selecting the Electronic Filing Cabinet to locate the PAYUPDATE archive or select the Pay Master/Pay ID, Personnel Pay, Statistics tab where you will see a record count for History Updated.