What This Process Does

  • For organizations using the Substitute Management module.
  • Runs multiple verification reports on substitute transactions that have not been finaled to check to make sure the appropriate account codes are set up for substitutes to avoid problems during Make Transactions.
  • The term Finaled means the transaction has been selected into a payroll via the Pay Jobs → Substitutes (Select Substitutes) process.

Best Practices

  • These reports should be run prior to selecting substitute transactions into the payroll, since job accounts for the substitute jobs are created during the select substitute process.
  • The Make Transactions process checks the validity of accounts in Financial Management.

Verify Non-Finaled Sub Work

  1. HR → Leave Management → Verify Non-Finaled Sub Work on used tab from task menu
  2. Reports are also available on the task menu in the Substitute Management and Employee Absentee modules.
  3. Click on Verify Non-Finaled Sub Work and the following Reports will produce:

SUBWKNOPAYJAMSJob Masters without Job Accounts when Job Accounts is true: Lists any jobs for which job accounts is true for the absent employee, but the job does not have a job account
SUBWKNOPOSACC2Position Masters without Accounts: Lists any positions when job accounts is false for the absent employee but the position does not have a position account
SUBWKNOSUBACCPositions without Sub Accounts: Lists any positions that do not have a substitute account image
SUBWKNOPOSACCPositions without Position Account: Pertains to substitute work transactions that are by position (instead of normal retrieval) and will list any such positions that do not have a position account
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

  • After all reports produce, check all reports for results.
  • If any results, make all corrections prior to selecting substitutes into the payroll.