When paying a substitute for the first time, a Substitute Master must be created and/or activated for that substitute. The system will allow you to set a job number, but will not allow you to process the transaction until the Substitute Job Master is created.
There are three ways to create/activate a Substitute job master.
1. If you are data entering in the add/leave substitutes module and your substitute does not appear in the list when you use the looking glass to find the Sub Personnel ID, you will need to use the Load Sub from Demographics button on the right to locate your substitute employee. Once selected from this Demographics list, their Substitute Master will be active for you to use.
2. HR - Substitute Management - Substitute Masters
Using the range screen, find the substitute employee and on the next screen, be sure that "Active" is checked.
3. HR - Substitute Management - Setup - Create Substitute Masters
Complete the range screen and click the cog "Write to Database". This process finds the substitute that you ranged for and will create the Active Substitute Work Master necessary to continue the leave/sub process.
Again, you only need to create/activate the Substitute Job Work Master the first time you are paying a substitute on your payroll.