Main Page → Payroll→ Documentation → Setup → Edit/Define Matrix

What This Process Does

  • Allows to add or change matrix information such as grade and step levels and adjust wage scales in mass.
  • Allows for changes to be made at one time/one place and will affect all jobs associated with the matrix.

Best Practices

  • Matrices allow entry of wage scales to make maintenance of wages easier and consistent.
  • Matrices can contain annual salaries, hourly rates or other fixed amounts.
  • Knowing how to properly edit the matrix is important in accurately maintaining pay amounts.
  • Always select an existing matrix in order to create a new matrix; do not try to add from a blank matrix.

Edit/Define Matrix

  1. Payroll – Setup – Edit Matrix, or, can also be accessed within the Gross Rate Definition Maintain screen when a Rate Type that includes Matrix Lookup has been selected.
  2. The Edit Matrix screen will appear and the Module will default to PAYROLL when accessed from the payroll module (other modules which could have a Matrix are LVEMGT and BUDPREP).
  3. Click on Matrix icon (first button on the left) to select the matrices.
  4. Highlight the desired module on the left, then highlight the appropriate matrix on the list to the right and click Select.
  5. NOTE: Be very careful when changing a matrix which is in use for payroll, since any changes will immediately impact the next payroll.

Description of Icons at the top of the Matrix:

MatrixSelect to bring up the Matrix Menu
SetupSelect to change the setup (not covered in this wiki)
SaveSave changes made to the matrix
ApplyApply certain changes to the matrix amounts such as adding a flat dollar or percentage change to all amounts, or, range on certain rows or columns to apply the change; when choosing to add percentage, can round to the nearest whole dollar; the flag for Default Formula and the Compute Formula do not normally need to be changed
EditAdd or delete columns or rows from the matrix (see below)
CancelExit out of the matrix
PrintPrint the matrix
WindowChanges the Window and Cell Types; normally there is no need to make any changes from the initial set up
HelpOpenRDA Screen Help
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

  • If a new matrix is needed, select an existing matrix most similar to the new one, then change the Matrix Name to something unique and Save.
  • To change the Title/Description, select the button to the right of Name and enter changes.
  • If a field needs to be edited, place the cursor inside the field, change the field and click Save; for mass changes, select the Apply icon.
  • For matrices with multiple columns (X-Axis) or rows (Y-Axis), values need to be placed above the columns and beside the rows (such as Grade and Step) in order for the correct pay amount to be chosen on the employee's jobs (These values ultimately need to be set correctly on each job as well).
  • The Matrix Name, X and Y Axis Types, Minimum/Maximum Step are defined on each Gross Rate which uses a matrix (Matrix tab on the Gross Rate Definition Maintain Screen).

If a column or row needs to be added (or deleted) click on the Edit icon:

Edit TypesUse the drop down to select Rows or Columns
OperationUse the drop down to select Add or Delete
WhereIf the Operation is Add, use the drop down to select After or Before; If Operation is Delete, field will not be available
Column ListIf the Edit Type is Columns, use the drop down to select the appropriate column; If Operation is Add, choose the Column in which a column should be added before or after; If Operation is Delete, choose the column to delete
Row ListIf Edit Type is Rows and Operation is Add, choose the row in which a row should be added before or after; If Operation is Delete, choose the row to delete
Column ValueIf Operation is Add, type in the value for the column; the value appears in the row above the column itself
Row ValueIf Operation is Add, type in the value for the row; the value appears to the left of the row
Title 1If Edit Type is Columns and Operation is Add, type in the column title; This field has to be selected to print on setup
Title 2If Edit Type is Columns and Operation is Add, type in the column title 2; This field has to be selected to print on set up
DescriptionOptional field to type in a description for the column/row
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

  • Another choice in adding a row or column is complete fields 1 – 5 above and click on Select and then the information can be filled in directly in the matrix on the blank row provided.