What This Process Does

  • Allows to remove Substitute jobs from the Pay Master that were selected in the Select Substitute Process and marks the Substitute Payment (SUBPAID) records for deletion.
  • Turns the Finaled flag to false in the Substitute Work Transaction.
  • The Personnel Pay Masters will automatically be marked for deletion if the gross is $0.00.
  • Benefits Computed, Made Transactions, Payroll Distributed, Cleared Checks/Transmittals and Update Payroll History must all be false (not completed).

Best Practices

  • The Select Substitute Payroll process should be done in one session; however, if after selecting substitutes it is found that additional Substitute Work Transactions need to be added for an employee included in the current payroll, it is imperative to unselect all substitute work transactions for the employee before selecting substitutes again.
  • If the Select Substitute process is performed more than once for a payroll for the same substitutes (and the substitute transactions are not undone), the transactions initially selected will not get paid; only the transactions in the last Select Substitute process will get paid. This is why it is essential to Unselect Substitutes when additional substitute transactions need to be added.
  • Undo Processes must begin from the last process completed and move up through the Undo Process menu until the last process needed for the correction is completed; in order to Unselect Substitutes, processes need to be undone back through Undo Compute.
  • For assistance with undo process, see Payroll Undo Guidelines.

Undo Select Payroll by Personnel ID

  • HR → Payroll → Maintenance → Undo Payroll Process → Unselect Substitutes

Pay IdentificationUse the drop down to choose the Pay ID in which the Substitutes need to be removed
Range on Personnel IDRange on Personnel ID if only one substitute needs to be removed, otherwise do not range on Personnel ID to include all substitutes
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

  • Click on Select.
  • If running undo processes and a No Records error is received, it could be due to insufficient ranging, wrong Pay ID, or the process has already been run.
  • If successful, a report will be provided for review and verification; if the report is correct, then Set Flags/Update; if the report is not correct, cancel/quit from the report chain window.
  • Will receive an acknowledgement that the process has entirely completed; Click the X on the OK Acknowledgement box.
  • Go to Pay ID / Pay Master, click on Pay ID → Personnel Pay, to verify that the substitutes have been removed from the Pay Master.