Main Page → Leave Management → Documentation → Maintenance → Reporting Unprocessed Earnings and Used Amounts


  • 1 What This Process Does
  • 2 Best Practices
  • 3 Leave Job Master Unprocessed Amounts

What This Process Does

  • Uses the leave job file (LVEJOB) to report unprocessed earnings and unprocessed used amounts.
  • Unprocessed amounts represent the total of leave transactions that haven't been updated.

Best Practices

  • When processing leave for year end of fiscal year, this report should be used to ensure there are no unprocessed amounts prior to running the Move Leave Balances or Cap Leave Balances processes.
  • Prior to running the Leave Job Master Unprocessed report, should run the Re-establish Unprocessed Leave Amounts report (SYNCUNPROC) to clear out any unprocessed amounts that did not clear out when the Update Leave Used / Earned report was run, and re-establish any valid unprocessed amounts; A valid unprocessed amount is a leave earned or used transaction which has not been source user verified and updated.

Leave Job Master Unprocessed Amounts

  1. HR → Leave Management → Reports (or, HR → Leave Management → Maintenance → Year End → Leave Job Master Unprocessed Amounts
  2. An optional report name can be entered in the Supplemental Report Title; if this field is not populated, the default report name will appear on the report.
  3. Choose the Sort option desired (Personnel ID, Name or Social Security Number).
  4. Recommended running report with no ranging to include all employees and all Leave IDs.
  5. Can choose to run report for only current employees and/or active leave job masters (default and recommendation is to leave all booleans marked as true).
  6. If no unprocessed amounts exist, error of no records will display.
  7. If unprocessed amounts exist, report will produce results by Leave ID.
  8. If amounts exist, query leave transactions to determine if they are unverified; transactions must be verified by the source user before they can be updated (which clears them from unprocessed).