What This Process Does

  • This process can be used to either activate or inactivate deductions in mass for an individual employee or a group of employees.
  • It provides an efficient method to inactivate deductions for terminated employees (one or multiple), or activate deductions for a returning employee.
  • It can also be used following a Mass Add Deductions Using Deductions process (see separate instructions on that process), to inactivate employees' “old” deductions once new deductions have been added to the employees' Deduction Masters to replace them.

Best Practices

  • Be very careful when ranging in this process, so only the appropriate deductions are activated/inactivated for the intended employees

Activate / Inactivate Deductions in Mass

  1. HR → Payroll → Other → Benefits / Deductions → Activate / Inactivate Deductions
  2. Indicate whether you want to use this process to activate or inactive deductions; to activate deductions, flag Click/Check to Set the Active Flag/Boolean to True; to inactivate deductions, leave that box un-flagged.
  3. Range as desired to activate/inactive the appropriate deductions for the intended employees.
  4. Click the Select button (cog).
  5. If a No Records Error is received, it is due to an inaccurate ranging.
  6. A report is provided; review to ensure the appropriate deductions are being activated/inactivated for the intended employees.
  7. If the report is accurate, after exiting/canceling out of the report, click the Set Flags / Update button to update the database; if the report is not accurate, exit/cancel out of the report, then select the Quit (Cancel) button on the Run Report Chain Window.

Click/Check to Set the Active Flag/Boolean to TrueFlag if you want to use this process to activate deductions; or leave un-flagged if you want to use this process to inactivate deductions
Range on NameUse this range criteria if you want to activate/inactivate deductions for an individual employee name
Range on Personnel IDUse this range criteria if you want to activate/inactivate deductions for an individual Personnel ID
Range on Deduction Description IDUse this range criteria if you want to activate/inactivate specified Deduction Description(s)
Range on Adjustment AmountUse this range criteria if you want to activate/inactivate deductions that have a specified Adjustment/Additional Amount in the Deduction Masters
Range on Deduction TypeUse this range criteria if you want to activate/inactivate all deductions with the specified Deduction Type(s)
Range on Hire DateUse this range criteria if you want to activate (or inactivate) deductions for employees with a specified Hire Date in Personnel Demographics
Range on Termination DateUse this range criteria if you want to inactivate (or activate) deductions for employees with a specified Termination Date in Personnel Demographics
Select Current EmployeesSelect if you want to include those employees that are flagged as Current Employees on the Status tab in Personnel Demographics
Select Non-Current EmployeesSelect if you want to include those employees that are not flagged as Current Employees on the Status tab in Personnel Demographics
Select Active Employee DeductionsSelect if you want to include those employee deductions that are flagged as Active Deduction for this Employee” in the Deduction Master
Select Inactive Employee DeductionsSelect if you want to include those employee deductions that are not flagged as Active Deduction for this Employee in the Deduction Master
Select Active Deduction DescriptionsSelect if you want to include those Deduction Descriptions that are flagged as Active in the Deduction Description Master
Select Inactive Deduction DescriptionsSelect if you want to include those Deduction Descriptions that are not flagged as Active in the Deduction Description Master
Select Mandatory TrueFlag if you want to include those Deduction Descriptions that are flagged as Mandatory in the Deduction Description Master
Select Mandatory FalseFlag if you want to include those Deduction Descriptions that are not flagged as Mandatory in the Deduction Description Master
Select Voluntary TrueFlag if you want to include those Deduction Descriptions that are flagged as Voluntary in the Deduction Description Master
Select Voluntary FalseFlag if you want to include those Deduction Descriptions that are not flagged as Voluntary in the Deduction Description Master
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required