What This Process Does

  • Creates tab-delimited file for uploading Workers' Comp information to the Workforce Safety & Insurance (WSI) website.
  • The report will be named NDWORK plus the fiscal year with an extension of .xls (e.g. NDWORK-2013.xls).
  • E-Documents will be created of the report with a description of North Dakota Worker's Comp Report, and, the text file with a description of North Dakota Worker's Comp tab-delimited File.

Best Practices

  • The appropriate WC Code must be assigned to each Position; to update the WC Code on a Position, access Setup → Job Positions → Position Masters
  • Positions are assigned to each employee on their Job Master(s).
  • Positions without a WC Code will not be selected into this report.
  • To report only Gross Wages, but display taxable earnings and gross wages on the report, enter the taxable earnings limit for the fiscal year.
  • If you receive a file format error message when uploading the file, cancel and save the file as an Excel file or Text File.

North Dakota Workers' Compensation

  1. HR → Payroll → Other → North Dakota Reports → Workers Compensation
  2. Enter the Fiscal Year being reported and your Workers' Comp Account Number.
  3. Enter the Taxable Earnings Limit Amount (See information tab).
  4. Range if necessary, but in most cases not necessary.
  5. Click Select (cog).
  6. View and/or print the report to verify the information is accurate.
  7. After canceling out of the print view, click Set Flags/Update to create the text file, or cancel if the information on the report was not correct.
  8. Upon setting flags, the DOS Copy window displays; Note the Filename (NDWORK-XXXX, where XXXX denotes the year). This file now resides on your server.
  9. Click the URL/Internet (globe) button; the Workforce Safety website should display, so you can Log In to upload the file.

Fiscal YearFiscal Year being reported
Workers' Comp Account NumberYour organization Workers' Compensation Account Number
Taxable Earnings Limit AmountAmount Limit for Taxable Earnings
Range CriteriaRanging is normally not needed for this report
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required