What This Process Does

  • This process allows the user to view Expenditure Account Masters including Year and Activity detail.

View an Account Master – Expenditure

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Query → View an Account Master → Expenditure
  2. Populate the appropriate fields
  3. Once all necessary fields are populated, click Save (Process wheel).

Delete This RecordIf true, then account code is marked for deletion
Account CodeSelect individual account code to view information
ActiveIf true, then account code is active
DescriptionThe description of the Account Master
Grant IDGrant ID associated with account code
Revenue TypeStandard list of References Types
Account ManagerUser assigned to manage the expenses for account code
BrowseSelect to view Expenditure Accounts Browse screen
Years/AmountsSelect to view Expenditure Account Year Browse screen
ActivitySelect to view Expenditure Activity Browse screen
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required