Main Page → Bank Reconciliation → Documentation → Checks/Returned Checks/Redeposits → Redeposit Distribution


  • 1 What This Process Does
  • 2 Requirements
  • 3 Returned Check Redeposit Distribution

What This Process Does

  • This process will distribute a redeposited returned check.
  • Activity will be created in Financial Management for posting.
  • Turns the Redeposit flag on in the returned check record.


  • Audit Trail – the redeposited returned check must be verified before it can be distributed.

Returned Check Redeposit Distribution

  1. Finance → Bank Reconciliation → Returns Tab → Returned Check Deposit Distribution
  2. Use the range criteria to range on the redeposit if necessary.
  3. Click Run/Print Report (Process wheel).
  4. The Redeposit Returned Checks Distribution Activity Report will generate. Review the report for accuracy. If correct, click Canceland set your flags.
    1. If not correct, click Cancel and click Cancel again.
    2. Query the redeposit and make edits as necessary.

Fiscal Year/MonthAutomatically defaults; if chosen the Processing Month and Fiscal Year grays out
Range CriteriaRange accordingly if necessary