Main Page → Bank Reconciliation → Documentation → Checks/Returned Checks/Redeposits → Import Checks


  • 1 What This Process Does
  • 2 Requirements
  • 3 Import Checks - Steps

What This Process Does

  • This process uploads checks to the Bank Reconciliation module from a bank file.


  • The option to Display Upload and Verify Checks Submenu must be flagged in the Generic Setup Variables in order for the Verify tab and it's submenu items to appear.

  • From the Resource Bar: Setup → Generic Setup Variables

  • The file layout has to match in order to be imported.

Import Checks - Steps

  1. Finance → Bank Reconciliation → Verify Tab → Import Checks
  2. Range accordingly if necessary (it's required that the Closed Date be ranged on).
  3. Click Select (Process wheel).

FilenameUse default name or magnifying glass to locate upload file
Range on Account NumberRange on the account number
Range on AmountRange on amount or range of amounts
Range on Check NumberRange on a check number or range of check numbers
Range on Closed DateRange on the closed date (date check cleared bank)
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required