Main Page → Bank Reconciliation → Documentation → Reconciliation → Wells Fargo Positive Pay


  • 1 What This Process Does
  • 2 Requirements
  • 3 Wells Fargo Positive Pay File

What This Process Does

  • This process prints a report for review and, when flags are set, a fixed length ASCII text file for submission to Wells Fargo Bank for Positive Pay.
  • Unless a filename is entered, the file will be created in the download directory and named POSITIVEPAY - formatted system date (for example: POSITIVEPAY-012413)
  • Once the file created, the Positive Pay boolean in the selected check records will be set to true once the file is created.


  • Updated Check Run - The current check run must be updated to the Bank Reconciliation module to be selected for this file.
  • Bank Account Number - Bank Account Number must be populated in the Bank Master.
  • File Format - Although this file is to WELL FARGO Specifications, other banks may also accept this file.

Wells Fargo Positive Pay File

  1. Finance → Bank Reconciliation → Wells Fargo Positive Pay
  2. Range accordingly.
  3. Click Select (Process wheel).

Bank IdentificationBank ID for checks
ASCII FilenameCan enter a User Defined file name or if left blank, file will be created in rda/xpert and named BBT-plus formatted system date csv extension (for example, BBT-20130521.csv)
Check NumberNumber of check
Check AmountDollar amount of check
Check DateDate of check
Source ModuleModule that check originated from
Source ProcessName of source process
Source UserThe user who ran the process in the source module
Bank Account NumberBank account number of check
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required