Main Page → Bank Reconciliation → Documentation → Reports → Outstanding Checks Report


  • 1 What This Report Shows
  • 2 Outstanding Checks Report

What This Report Shows

  • This report will provide an Outstanding Checks report as of the date entered on the select and range tab. The Cleared Date is maintained in the check record (BNKCHK file) and is the date the checks were reconciled to the bank statement. However, if using the download checks and reconcile feature, it is the cleared (closed) date from the bank's check file.
  • If a check is voided, the voided amount (from the Check file) displays when the void date is later than the Through Transaction Date entered on the range screen. 

Outstanding Checks Report

  1. Finance → Bank Reconciliation → Reports → Outstanding Checks
  2. Populate applicable fields using the field description below as a guide.
  3. Click the Select (Process wheel) button when finished.

Through Transaction Date (MM/DD/YYYY)User-defined cutoff date for check transactions to be pulled into report
Use WhichSelect Cleared Date or Statement Date
Bank IDBank ID for checks
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required