What This Report Shows

  • This report sorts journal entries by account type, account code or Journal ID, depending on your preference.

Journal Entries Report by Account Code/Account Type

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Reports → Detail Reports → Journal Entry Report by Account Type/Code
  2. Populate the appropriate fields if necessary.
  3. Click Run/Print Report (process wheel).

Select Tab

Reset Group DefaultsGroup defaults can be setup to populate certain fields based on what was saved previously
Sub-TitleAn optional report title
Sort by Journal IDSet to TRUE to sort journal entries by Journal IDs associated with each one
Range TypesSet to TRUE to allow multiple account types to be ranged on in the Range Tab
Account Type
  • Choose the account type that will show the journal entries associated with it:
    • If Use Range Types is set to true, the Account Type list will be inactive

Range Tab

Account TypeOnly available for ranging if the Use Range Types boolean (box) is set to TRUE
Account CodeOnly available for ranging if the Use Range Types boolean (box) is set to FALSE
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required