What This Report Shows

  • This report will list receipt records where the fiscal month of receipts are not the same as the deposit date on receipts.


  • If:
    • The deposit date is correct, the fiscal month is incorrect and the receipt is distributed:
      • Undo the distribution and change the fiscal month if you have Administrative Edits.
      • If you do not have Administrative Edits, you must undo the audit trail (Undo Source User Verified).
    • The fiscal month is correct, the deposit date is incorrect and the receipt is distributed:
      • You can change the deposit date as long as the receipt has not been updated to the Bank Reconciliation module.

Compare Deposit Date to Fiscal Month Report

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Reports → Detail Reports → Receipts → Fiscal Month/Deposit Month Comparison for Receipts
  2. Populate the appropriate fields as needed.
  3. Click Run/Print Report (process wheel).

Reset Group DefaultsGroup defaults can be setup to populate certain fields based on what was saved previously
Range CriteriaRange accordingly if necessary
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required