What This Report Shows

  • This report shows each fund followed by all balance sheet account codes within each fund.
  • The third column shows the beginning balance in each account as of the beginning of the selected fiscal year.
  • Total debits and credits for each account are totaled along with the final column showing the debit/credit balance in each account at the end of the fiscal year.

Trial Balance w/ Beginning Balances Report

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Reports → Trial Balance Reports → Trial Balance w/ Beginning Balance
  2. Populate applicable fields using the field description below as a guide.
  3. Once the necessary ranging options are used, click Run/Print Report.

Fiscal YearThe fiscal year selected for viewing
Show Accounts With No ActivitySet to true if you wish to see balance sheet accounts that contain zero activity; amounts shown will be $0.00
Range CriteriaRange accordingly as needed
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required