What This Process Does

  • This report sets the deposited flag to false in the receipts master.
  • Creates negative transactions in the Bank Reconciliation module.

Best Practices

  • Audit Trail Dependence - If an account code needs to be changed in a receipt and that receipt has been updated to the Bank Reconciliation module, the Undo Bank Reconciliation process will not need to be run.
  • Amount or Bank ID Change - If an amount or a Bank ID needs to be changed for a receipt and that receipt has been updated to the Bank Reconciliation module, the Undo Bank Reconciliation process will need to be run.

Undo Update Bank Reconciliation (Undo Deposit Receipts)

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Maintenance → Undo → Receipts → Undo Update Bank Reconciliation
  2. Range accordingly to back out one deposit or multiple deposits.
  3. Click Select.
  4. A report will generate. If accurate, click Cancel and set your flags.

Range Criteria---Range accordingly to back out one deposit or multiple deposits
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required