What This Screen Shows

  • This screen shows preset fund types that are used in conjunction with the Fixed Assets module.
  • This screen also allows you to classify funds by its type where appropriate in Financial Management.

Best Practices

  • Preset Types – These types are preset by OpenRDA and are not to be edited or changed.

Maintain Funds

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Setup → Financial Reporting → Maintain Funds

Fund Classifications
General FundThe chief operating fund
Special RevenueUsed when ear-marking funds for a particular purpose
Capital ProjectsUsed to manage capital acquisition and construction projects
Debit ServiceMonies set aside to account for current or future debt
Enterprise FundsUsed when governments are levying user charges to recover full full cost of services provided
Internal ServiceUsed when government agencies are attempting to account for the financing of goods and or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of government
Trust & AgencyUsed for all types of Trust and Agency, Expendable Trust, Non-Expendable Trust and Pension Trust Funds
Fixed AssetsUsed by governments to manage their fixed asset groups; there are no operations to be reported generally from this group regarding near term budgets; as a general practice, changes in fixed assets are disclosed in notes to the financial statements
Long Term DebtUsed by governments to manage their long-term debt groups; there are no operations to be reported generally from this group regarding near term budgets; as a general practice, changes in long-term assets are disclosed in notes to the financial statements
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required