What This Screen Shows

  • The browse screen should show all user-created fund groups.
  • When a group is selected, the maintain screen shows the following:
    • Group Number
    • Group Name
    • Reporting Title
    • Description

Best Practices

  • Reports - In order to properly view certain Financial Management reports (ex. G/L by Group Report), a group must be created which is linked to funds through the Maintain Fund Definition Screen.

Maintain Fund Groups

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Setup → Financial Reporting → Maintain Fund Groups
  2. If you wish to add a fund group to the list on the browse screen, click Add (+ symbol).
  3. Populate the appropriate fields to define how the fund group should be described.
  4. When you are finished, click Save (two disks and menu symbol).
  5. To view the fund group, click Select.
  6. To include a fund to a group, go to: Setup → Financial Reporting → Maintain Fund Definitions
  7. Select the fund, click the Fund Group icon and select the group.

Fund GroupThe numerical value of the fund group (1, 2, 3, etc....)
NameThe name of the fund group
Title 1 and 2When running certain reports in Financial Management (see Best Practice above) a title is recommended so the report shows what the fund is
DescriptionThe description of the fund group
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required