Main Page → Bank Reconciliation → Documentation → Maintenance → Resync Unprocessed Balances


  • 1 What This Process Does
  • 2 Best Practices
  • 3 Requirements
  • 4 Resync Unprocessed Balances

What This Process Does

  • This process summarizes (totals) all records that have not been updated (in BNKREC, not to BNKREC) for a Bank ID.
  • Re-establishes the amount in the Bank ID's bank master.

Best Practices

  • To avoid out-of-sync amounts, avoid using duplicate check numbers in Vendor Payments and Payroll.
  • Avoid voiding a check that has already been reconciled and updated in Bank Reconciliation.


  • For records to be selected, there must be at least one transaction (record) for the bank that hasn't been updated (in BNKREC, not to BNKREC).
  • If there are none, one can always undo update for the bank so that the resync process will have a record to select.

Resync Unprocessed Balances

  1. Finance → Bank Reconciliation → Maintenance → Change and Re-establish → Resync Unprocessed Balances
  2. In the Select and Range Tab, select the Bank ID that you need to resync.
  3. Click Write to Database.

Bank IDRange on the Bank ID that needs to be resynced; leave the range blank if you wish to resync all Bank IDs at once
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required