What This Process Does

  • Determines how the Rate will be Calculated for the Gross Definition.
  • Allows for the Gross Rate to be Paid on any Job that has the Gross Definition.

Best Practices

  • Gross Rates are the combination of a Rate Master (Rate Identification) and Gross Definition (Gross ID) which define how that rate is calculated for each Gross ID. Gross Rates can be defined differently for different Gross IDs (Gross IDs are assigned to each employee job).
  • Any Rates to be paid on a specific Job MUST be added to the Gross Identification which is assigned to that Job. The Rate will then be available to all Jobs using the Gross ID.
  • The Gross Rate Definition Maintain Screen allows Rates to be Viewed, Edited, or Added.

Add Gross Rate 

1. Position Tracking Setup Rates Gross Rate Masters

  • Gross Rate Definition Browse Window will open automatically

NOTE: To View/Edit the Rates associated with a specific Gross Rate Masters 

  • Highlight the Desired Gross Rate Masters and Click Select
  • Click Gross Rates to see the Rates already associated with the Selected Gross Rate Master 

2. Click the Add (+) button

  • Rate Maintain Screen Window will open automatically

NOTE: If the Rate has already been added to another Gross ID, using the Copy Rate feature from that Gross Rate is more efficient than starting from scratch.


Gross Definition ID

Load the Desired Gross Definition

Rate Identification    

Load the Desired Rate Identification

Base Tab
Unit Type

Available only if the Rate Master is set to Use Units; Use drop down to choose how the unit type will be determined; Most common is Unit Amount which allows entry of a number to represent how many units (hours, days, etc.)
Unit Amount

If Unit Amount was chosen as the Unit Type, can enter a number of units on the rate which will automatically pull in with the rate on the Pay Jobs in Mass; normally this is left as 0 and the units are entered when the job is paid

Field available for further calculation when Rate Type contains a multiplier to include an additional factor; Example, this field can be used to calculate overtime in which the factor would be 1.5
Rate Type

Rate Amount

If the Rate type includes the Rate Amt field, type in the amount

Editable at time of Payment

Select boolean for rate to be edited at the time of paying jobs; Examples are changing the rate for hourly or daily paid jobs for exceptions; Editable boolean must be set to true on the Rate Master itself
Override FTESelect to Ignore the Use FTE flag on the Rate Master itself; Use FTE is set on the Rate Master to include the FTE in the rate calculation (used most often with Matrices – Salary Scales)
Allow Zero Gross in Select Payroll Sort FileSelect to Include the Rate in the Pay Jobs in Mass Process for Unit Based Rates and/or when the Rate is Set to ZERO [which results in a ZERO Gross] 
(Necessary for Hourly, Overtime, or other Unit Based Rates to process in Pay Jobs in Mass; MUST be set to True on the Rate Master itself)
Block Retirement Earnings

Select boolean if rate should be blocked or excluded from retirement earnings; only necessary when the Rate Master itself is set for Retirement Earnings, but this specific Gross Rate should be blocked from retirement earnings

Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

  • Matrix Tab: When Rate Type is set to one of the Matrix Types (for example, Matrix Lookup), the Matrix information is completed on this tab. This is an advanced setup, and is not discussed in this wiki.
  • Calendar Tab: When Use Calendar boolean is selected, a Calendar Name is selected, which the rate looks at for calculation. This is an advanced set up and is not discussed in this wiki.
  • Units Formula and Rate Formula tabs: Expressions are automatically placed on these tabs based on the unit and rate types; if either the unit or rate types are set to Custom Expression, then the expression is unique to your organization.
  • Earnings Formula: Advanced set up involving Managed Earnings and is not discussed in this wiki.