What This Process Does

  • Allows the user to build a recurring Journal Entry (J/E) template using static information regarding Journal Entries you make on a regular basis.

Best Practices

  • If a user makes Journal Entries on a regular basis, recurring templates is recommended to generate Journal Entries as needed monthly, weekly or daily.
  • If the user chooses to create a recurring template, the template itself is not an actual journal entry.
  • Making changes to the Journal Entry template does not change the Journal Entries previously created during the Apply Recurring Entries process.

Build Recurring Journal Entries

  1. Finance → Financial Management → Setup → Recurring JE Setup → Build Recurring Entries
  2. Populate applicable fields as necessary to build the recurring J/E. Once fields have been populated, click Save.

Recurring IDSelect the ID from ones previously built or build one by typing in the ID
TypeThe type will default based on a previously built ID if one is chosen; if you choose to create a Recurring ID, choose the type
ID DescriptionThe ID Description will default based on a previously built ID if one is chosen; if you choose to create a Recurring ID, type in the description
Journal IDThe general purpose of the journal entry
Reference NumberUser defined; optional
Recurring DescriptionBrief description for the journal entry
Account TypeThe account code type chosen to be reflected on the journal entry
Definition TypeSelect appropriate definition type for your organization
Journal Entry TypeWay of classifying Journal Entries: Normal, Appropriation and Encumbrances
Account CodeThe account code that will be reflected by the journal entry
Debit CodeDefaults based on account type chosen
Credit CodeDefaults based on account type chosen
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

Recurring Types

  • When the Recurring Journal Entry ID is initially created, a recurring proration type is assigned to each ID. The user chooses from three proration types: Proration, Flat Amount and Unit Rate. The descriptions below detail the specific field that is lit depending on the Recurring ID chosen and the template that is built using that ID.


  • The Proration Percentage field is lit when the recurring journal entry amount is divided between multiple accounts and the amount applied to each account is a percentage of the total entry. (Example: 40% to one account code and 60% to another account code).
  • The amount does not show in the field because when a user applies this specific template, there will be another field that the user will enter the amount.

Flat Amount

  • The Flat Amount field is lit when the recurring journal entry account is always the same. If the amount will be the same every time, enter in an amount.
  • If the amount will be different, the user will leave the amount field blank. The amount can be entered the first time in the Apply Recurring J/E process. The amount entered the first time will default with the next apply process but it can be changed again.

Unit Rate

  • The Unit Rate field is lit when the recurring journal entry is based on the number of units purchased and the amount and number of units is always the same.
  • The Unit Rate field can also be used if the recurring journal entry is based on the number of units purchased and the amount and number is different each time. If this applies, the user will leave the unit rate and total unit value fields blank. These fields can be entered during the Apply Recurring J/E process.