What This Process Does

  • This process can be used to change the Adjustment/Additional Amount in employees' Deduction Masters in mass.
  • The selected deduction can be increased by a flat dollar amount or percentage.
  • Inactive and direct deposit deductions are excluded.
  • This process can be used to zero out percentage amounts that employees have in their Deduction Masters Adjustment/Additional Amount field (does not zero out the Correcting Amounts field on the employee's deduction master).
  • It can also be used to change deduction amounts based on a change to the Number of Pays.
  • Range options include those related to jobs (for example, deductions can be changed in mass for jobs in a certain Pay Group); however, keep in mind that deductions are at the personnel level, not the job level, so you should range carefully to avoid changing an employee's deductions more than once.

Mass Change Employee Deduction Percentages

1. Go to Payroll → Other → Benefits/Deductions → Mass Change Employee Deduction Percentages

2. On the Select and Range Tab ~ Choose the Desired Deduction Description Identification (choose the DDI to Change)

3. Indicate the Desired Change(s), as described in the field descriptions below

4. Range as Desired to Change Deduction Amounts for the intended Employees

5. Click Run Report (Cog)

            NOTE: If a No Records ERROR is received, it is due to an inaccurate Ranging

  • Chgdedmamtsjobs Browse Window will open automatically 

6. Select/Highlight/Click the Desired Change to Review/Edit each Change Individually (optional)

7. Click Continue to Process ALL Changes 

  • Run Report Device Window will open automatically

      8. Click Select 

9. Review the Report generated for Accuracy 

10. Click Set Flags/Update to implement the Change(s) ~ otherwise Click Quit (x) to EXIT out of the process

Select and Range Tab
Deduction Description Identification

Choose the Desired Deduction Description Identification in the Dropdown
(Choose the DDI to Change)
Increase Percentage by Amount

Enter the FLAT Dollar Amount to Increase the CURRENT Percentage Amount

Enter the Percentage Amount to Increase the CURRENT Percentage Amount
(Ex: 3% Increase, Enter 3 / To ZERO out additional amounts in the Employee's Deduction Masters, Enter -100)
Changed Based on Number of Pays

Select to Change Deduction Amounts Based on a Change to the Number of Pays
(Number of Times per Year to Deduct/Compute)
Current Number of Pays

When Changed Based on Number of Pays WAS SELECTED - Enter the Number of Pays per Year the Deduction is CURRENTLY calculated on
Note: The CURRENT Deduction Amount will be Multiplied by this Number, then Divided by the NEW Number of Pays 
(Ex: IF the Deduction Amount is currently based on being deducted 12 times per year, and the change is to 24 times per year, resulting in employees' amounts being cut in half - Enter 12)
New Number of Pays

When Changed Based on Number of Pays WAS SELECTED - Enter the Number of Pays per Year the Deduction is CURRENTLY calculated on
Note: The CURRENT Deduction Amount will be Multiplied by this Number, then Divided by the NEW Number of Pays
(Ex: IF the Deduction Amount is currently based on being deducted 12 times per year, and the change is to 24 times per year, resulting in employees' amounts being cut in half - Enter 24)
Range on Name

Select to Range on Name
Range on Personnel ID

Select to Range on Personnel ID
Range on Adjustment Amount

Select to Range on Adjustment Amount
Range on Personnel Status

Select to Range on Personnel Status 
Range on Personnel Class

Select to Range on Personnel Class
Range on Pay Location

Select to Range on Pay Location 
Select When Deduction Active True

Select to Include Active Deductions 
Select When Deduction Active False

Select to Include Inactive Deductions 
Select When Current Employee True

Select to Include CURRENT/Active Employees
Select When Current Employee FalseSelect to Include FORMER/Inactive/Terminated Employees
Job-Related Ranges Tab
Range on Pay GroupSelect to Range on Pay Group
Range on Gross IdentificationSelect to Range on Gross Identification
Range on Position IdentificationSelect to Range on Position Identification
Range on Work LocationSelect to Range on Work Location
Range on Contract MonthsSelect to Range on Contract Months
Range on Contract DaysSelect to Range on Contract Days
Range on Number of PaysSelect to Range on Number of Pays
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required