User has 2 Usernames:

If the user has 2 Usernames, and cannot log in using the MFA code for one of the Usernames because of a new phone or if the Google Authenticator App was deleted or malfunctioned, log in using the working Username, then follow the steps below:

  1. go to Administrative Dashboard
  2. Security
  3. Users
  4. filter the Username column Contains: (the desired Username)
  5. select the record
  6. right-click
  7. Generate Secret Key
  8. after a few moments, you'll see a QR code appear on the screen
  9. on the staff member's smartphone (Android or iPhone), open the Google Authenticator App 
  10. push the open to create a new entry
  11. select the option to Scan QR code
  12. after a few moments, you should see a new entry in the app
  13. rename this entry to match the Username
  14. use this MFA code to log in to the RDA software for the Username

User had 1 Username:

If the staff member only has a single Username, and cannot log in using any means, please contact RDA Customer Support. Customer Support will create the MFA entry in their own Google Authenticator App, and then share this MFA code with the staff member. This will allow the staff member to log in. The staff member will then follow the 14 steps above. 

Then the RDA Customer Support will delete the customer's MFA entry on their App.