You'll want to run this process anytime you change an account code or add a new account code in OpenRDA that you plan to use in Revenue Management.


  1. go to OpenRDA
  2. Finance
  3. Financial Management
  4. Other
  5. Breeze Processes
  6. Build Breeze Funds
  7. click the select button (AKA cog wheel) to run the process. No need to Range
  8. Build Breeze Account Codes
  9. click the select button (AKA cog wheel) to run the process. No need to Range
  10. Build Breeze Banks
  11. click the select button (AKA cog wheel) to run the process. No need to Range

To review the Account Codes in Revenue Management,
  1. go to Class Configuration Dashboard
  2. Class Configuration Code
  3. Accounting Codes