DMV Stop Process

The DMStop process allows Delinquent Charges to be flagged as DMV Stop i.e. prevents certain DMV transactions from being completed if a person has delinquent personal property taxes. 

  1. go to Collections Dashboard
  2. go to DMV Stop Workflow

Next, there are 6 steps on the DMV Stop Workflow

  1. Set Delinquent Charges : this step is automatically run each evening
  2. Flag Charges for DMV Stop

                   Billable Type: PPD

                   Class:  PPD Auto/Truck

                   Tax Year: set to desired Tax Year

                   Min. Balance:  Set to desired minimum balance

                   Note:  Treasurer will decide what columns should be omitted:  Deceased, Bankruptcy, Payment Plan,                                         Prepaid Program, Non-Collection, Lien, Debt Set-off. Filter these columns to FALSE on those records                            that need to be omitted.

                   Optional:  Can filter Constituent Column by Letter in order to run in Batches. (ex: Filter: Starts With: A)

      3.  Create DMV Stops : select the batch that you just created, set the Max Registration Expiration Date (optional),              then click Create DMV Stops

      4.  Create DMV Stop File :  select the batch that you just created, then click Create File. This is the file that is                    submitted to DMV to put holds on the registration

      5.  Import DMV Stop File :  file that is received back from DMV is imported. This step:

                                                    - adds a record in the DMV Stop Table View (TV)

                                                    - turns on DMV Stop Flags on Constituent

                                                    - add the $25 Fee to the Constituent (one per VIN/person)        

      6.  Create DMV Stop Removal File :  Creates removal file that is to be sent to DMV, usually run daily