What This Process Does

  • The void process creates a negative transaction which reverses the selected check.
  • The Fiscal Period that you select will be written to the voided voucher transaction and will be used when distributing the voucher(s) to Financial Management. This process uses the Affect Cash Date to arrive at the Clear Fiscal Period. The Affect Cash Date defaults to the voided date (system date).


  • Reissue - If reissuing the check as an exact replacement (due to original check being lost or destroyed), there is no need to void; use the Stopped Payment / Reissued Checks process.
  • Update to Bank Reconciliation - Since the check to be voided is selected from the check file in the Bank Reconciliation module, the checks must have been updated to Bank Reconciliation. This happens when the check register is run and flags are set.
  • Cleared - Additionally, the vouchers that make up the check must have been cleared.
  • Vouchers and Invoices - Vouchers and invoices should not be marked for deletion. (The voucher and invoice must be active).

Void Checks

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Maintenance → Void Checks and EFTs → Void Vendor Check
  2. Enter Fiscal Year.
  3. Enter Fiscal Month.
  4. Enter Affect Cash Date (will default to system date).
  5. Enter Bank Identification.
  6. Enter Check Number (Date, Amount, and Vendor Identification populates automatically).
  7. Hit Select/Run Report (Process wheel) button.
  8. Review report and Set flags/Update if correct. Cancel/Quit if incorrect.
  9. After Void Checks or EFT step is complete, run remaining steps on void menu - Distribute Voided Checks/EFTs, Clear Voided Checks/EFTs, and Post Activity.

Fiscal YearCurrent Fiscal Year
Fiscal MonthCurrent Fiscal Month
Affect Cash DateTo arrive at the Clear Fiscal Period.
Bank IdentificationBank account for original and new check.
Check NumberOriginal check number
Check DateOriginal check date
AmountOriginal check amount
Vendor IdentificationVendor ID
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required