What This Process Does

  • The Change Ethnic Codes process changes the Ethnic Code field in Personnel Demographics in mass. It's commonly used to change the field from N/A or UNKNOWN to the most common ethnicity of the organization's employees.
  • Enables setting of the Ethnic Code in mass for a majority of employees, thus minimizing the number of changes to individual employees.
  • Available to all Enterprise customers and with software bundle HR12 for 101 customers.

Best Practices

  • Code Creation - Create all necessary Ethnic Codes in Personnel → Setup → Ethnic Codes, prior to running this process.

Change Ethnic Codes

  1. HR → Personnel → Maintenance → Set/Change → Ethnic Codes
  2. In the New Ethnic Code field, select the Ethnic Code that you want to populate in Personnel Demographics in mass (exceptions would need to be changed individually).
  3. Flag Range on Ethnic Code, and populate the From and To fields as applicable. For example, if many employees have an Ethnic Code of UNKNOWN, you would enter UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN in order to override that designation in mass. If all employees should be set to the New Ethnic Code, turn off (unset) the Range on Ethnic Code.
  4. Click Select (the cog icon), and the database is updated immediately.
  5. in the OK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT window, click OK (the X icon).

New Ethnic CodeThe Ethnic Code that you want to populate in Personnel Demographics in mass
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required