What This Process Does

  • Prints vendor checks on 8 ½ x 11 check stock with one long stub.
  • The stub will contain a form with columns and headers.
  • Sets the printed flag to TRUE in the vendor vouchers

Requirements and Information

  • Voucher must contain a Check Number.
  • Bank ID must agree with the selected Bank ID.
  • Process excludes Cleared Vouchers.
  • Process excludes Manual Vouchers.
  • Each stub holds up to 46 vouchers.
  • OpenRDA 4.0: When you Click Print Checks, Adobe Reader as well as a Password box will open. Click back on the OpenRDA 4.0 webpage, highlight ONLY the password and copy. Then click back on your Adobe Reader icon and paste the password. Your Checks will open up in Adobe to View and Print.
  • OpenRDA 4.0: When printing checks from Adobe in 4.0, make sure that Actual Size is turned on before you send your checks to the selected printer.

Print Plain Decorated Stub Checks

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Checks Tab → Print Checks → Decorated Stub/Plain Check;Decorated Double Stb Check, etc.
  2. Range on Check Number only if limiting which checks should print.
  3. Use the table below to help with completion of fields on the range screen.
  4. Click Select.

Output DeviceSelect device to print checks
Selected Bank IDBank from which check paid
Check NumberCheck Numbers for checks to be printed
Select When Printed False FlagDefaults to true, prints checks that have not been printed through system previously
Select When Printed True FlagSet to true if reprinting a check that was previously printed to screen, check, plain paper, or file; set to true if printing a Reissued Check.
Select Reissued ChecksSet to true if printing checks from the Stop Payment/Reissue Checks process
Comments Line 1 and 2Enter up to two messages to print on the check stub
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required