What This Screen Shows

  • This screen shows all information regarding the invoice created in the Vendor Payments module.

Best Practices

  • The invoice ID is a unique, key field in the software and therefore is not editable. If a voucher is saved into the system with an incorrect invoice ID, the voucher and the invoice must be marked for deletion and a new voucher should be added through the Add Direct Voucher process.

Vendor Invoice Maintain Screen

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Taskbar → Vendor Master
  2. Select the Browse Button and find the vendor of choice.
  3. Highlight the vendor and then select the Invoices button (lower left-side of the Vendor Master Browse Screen).
  4. Highlight and select the invoice that you wish to view.


  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Query → Vendor Invoice
  2. Range on the invoice ID that you wish to find and click Select (Process wheel).
  3. Highlight and select the invoice that you wish to view.

Delete this RecordSet to true if this invoice should be marked for deletion
Print on Separate Check/EFTSet to true if this invoice needs to print on a separate check/EFT
Vendor IdentificationVendor to whom this invoice is paid
Calendar YearCurrent voucher default calendar year
Invoice IdentificationUnique ID assigned to invoice
Invoice DateThe date of the invoice
Due DateCurrent voucher default due date
Address IdentificationAddress that was used to pay selected invoice; defaults to REMIT ADDRESS when adding Vendor Voucher
Credit Card NumberUseful in reimbursements when expenses are paid for with an employee's credit card
Source UserThe user that entered the invoice in the system
Entry DateThe entry date of the invoice
Entry TimeThe entry time of the invoice
From Recurring IDWill be populated if invoice was created through a recurring voucher
Recurring Voucher IDUnique ID for Recurring Voucher, if applicable
Archive TypeFormat of attached document
File nameFile name of the attached document
Attach DocumentAllows attaching of scanned documents to seleted invoice
RemarksInvoice remarks
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required