What This Report Shows

  • This report exports Vendors and Addresses into a csv (comma-separated value) or tsv (tab-separated value) report that can be saved into a spreadsheet. The file will automatically store in Vendor Payments' E-Documents (File Cabinet) for organizations having the Archive Module (F.A.S.T.).

Export Vendors and Addresses Report

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Reports → Addresses → Export Vendor and Addresses
  2. Once you are on the “Export Vendors and Addresses” screen, select your range criteria. If there are no specific items that you would like to range on, click Select (the process wheel).
  3. A window will come up that is titled “DOS Copy Window”. Close this window.
  4. On the bottom far left, click on the button that says e-Documents.
  5. Click on “View Documents” and select the document that you just saved as a csv. or tsv.
  6. Click on the button that has the computer monitor on it. A “Text Import” page will come up on the screen. Click on OK and the report will appear in LibreOffice.
  7. The document can now be saved in LibreOffice using various spreadsheet formats or if you want to save the report into an Excel spreadsheet which is outside of the VNC, you will need to email the file to yourself, open the file from the email which should open in your default spreadsheet software. You can then save the file in Excel.

ASCII File NameEnter a user defined file name or leave blank to default to VENEXPORT.tsv; if a file name is created you can save the file in a directory/folder of your choosing by clicking on the magnifying glass icon
Address ID SortSelect type of Address
Vendor IDEnter a specific vendor ID
Vendor NameEnter a specific vendor name
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required