What This Process Does

  • Report shows a list of vendors and the total amount that affected those vendors during three consecutive years. The vendors are listed by Vendor ID first and run in ascending order. The last column shows the difference between the two years that the user chose in the range screen that proceeded this report. All numbers from each calendar year are summed up at the end of the report. The report also provides a total of the difference between the two years chosen by the user.

Vendor Fiscal Year Comparison Report

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Reports → Fiscal → Vendor Fiscal Year Comparison
  2. Populate the appropriate fields necessary to show specific information regarding the report.
  3. Once all fields are populated accordingly, click the Select button.

Sort Vendor ByTwo options to sort
Print MonthsShows amounts in months
Selected Cal. Year 01Amounts in calendar year
Selected Cal. Year 02Amounts in calendar year
Selected Cal. Year 03Amounts in calendar year
Variance ColumnShows difference
Range CriteriaTo the user's discretion
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

Comparison Report Sample