What This Process Does

  • The process zeros the vendor calendar year file so that it can be re-established with new data.

Best Practice

  • Prerequisite - This report should be run prior to running the Reestablish Calendar Year Data File process.
  • Comparison Reports - This process is necessary if a calendar year's (or month's) distributed voucher amounts do not equal the amounts on the following reports when being compared:
    • Vouchers by Calendar Year and Check/EFT Number
    • Vouchers by Calendar Year, Vendor and Check/EFT Number
    • Calendar Year Vendor/Total Invoices
    • Vendor Calendar Year Comparison
    • Vouchers by Calendar Year with 1099 Status
  • Zero and Re-Establish - If the calendar year has been changed on any vouchers during the year, it will be necessary to zero and reestablish this file so the 1099 amounts will be correct.
  • Part of a Another Process - If this process is a required step in another process or for a report, you will be directed to run it on the Instructions Tab.

Zero Vendor Calendar Year File

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Maintenance → Change / Set → Zero Vendor Calendar Year File
  2. Select Calendar Year.
  3. Range, if necessary.
  4. Click Write to Database (Process wheel).

Calendar YearCalendar year of vouchers to be cleared
Vendor IDVendor Identification for vouchers being cleared
Vendor NameVendor Name for vouchers being cleared
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required