What This Process Does

  • This process will update the database by clearing the voided check/EFT in the appropriate year and month.
  • The fiscal year and month pull from the clear period in the voucher(s) which was established from the affect cash date entered when the vouchers were voided.
  • Balance sheet activity will be created in Financial Management for posting.


  • Voided Check/EFTs – a voided check or EFT must be voided in order for it to be selected for the clear voided check/EFTs process.

Clear Voided Checks/EFTs

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Maintenance → Void Checks and EFTs → Clear Voided Checks/EFTs
  2. The Clear Voided Checks/EFTs process is identical to the Clear Checks process found in the final tab in the Task bar.
  3. Range accordingly to void Checks/EFTs in mass, in groups or individually.
  4. Click Run/Print Report.
  5. The Clear Voided Checks/EFTs report will generate.
  6. If the report is correct, click Set Flags. If the report is not correct, click Cancel.