What This Process Does

  • This report uses the Vendor Address file and creates a comma-delimited file. The file will be named HB87 with a csv extension. The file will be placed in the Vendor Payments E-Documents filing cabinet.


  • The desired Address ID (such as REMIT ADDRESS or ORDER ADDRESS) must be indicated. Your organization's E-Verify Number and Authorization Date are pulled from the Payer Number selected on the range tab.
  • For records to select, the vendor master must contain the vendor's E-Verify Number.
  • Since the Date of Contract between Contractor and Public Employer is not stored, the file will require editing after it has been created.
  • Once the file has been edited, you will need to save it with an xls or xlsx extension. The new file can be uploaded to the GA Dept. of Audits and Accounts.
  • House Bill 87 legislation was effective on 7/1/2011. This report must be filed by December 31 of each year beginning with 12/31/2011. For the report due 12/31/2012 and after, the start and end period should be December through November.

E-Verify Contractor File

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Other → E-Verify Contractor File
  2. Fill out required fields and desired range criteria and click Create File.

Address IDSelect desired Address ID
Payer NumberSelect Payer Number (Name)
Period BeginningBeginning Date for E-Verify period
Period EndingEnding Date for E-Verify period
Other Range CriteriaAt User's Discretion
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required