What this Process Does

  • This process will test the setup of your electronic vendors. Only active electronic vendors with an account number and routing number will be selected.

EFT Pre-notification

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Setup → Basic → EFT Pre-notification
  2. Feel in the appropriate fields.
  3. Then select the Run/Print Report (Process wheel) button. If report is accurate, set flags and an ASCII file will be created in E-Documents named prevenddsk.

Company Tax IDYour organization's EIN without dashes
Batch NumberIf sending more than one file daily, can specify a Batch Number
Posting DateDate you want the Prenotification to post
Immediate Origin ID / ACH Operator Routing NumberEnter if differs from Company Tax ID
Transit / Routing NumberReceiving Bank's Routing Number
Trace NumberEnter if not the Transit/Routing Number
Organization Account NumberEnter your organization's bank account number
Receiving Point NameEnter your bank's name
Header ID CodeEnter if necessary, verify this setting with your bank
Individual NameIf not the Sending Name
Use Offsetting TransactionsSet to true to charge the affected account automatically. Verify the setting with the receiving bank
Use Carriage Return/Line FeedsSet to true if carriage returns and line feeds are required
Receiving Point is Federal ReserveSet to true if applicable
Optional Reference CodeEnter if necessary, verify this setting with your bank
Optional Batch Header DiscretionaryEnter if necessary, verify this setting with your bank
Optional Bank Header OneEnter if necessary, verify this setting with your bank
Optional Bank Header TwoEnter if necessary, verify this setting with your bank
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required