What This Screen Shows

  • Use this screen to create general setup parameters for the Vendor Payments module.

Vendor Payments Setup

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Setup → Basic → Vendor Payments Setup
  2. The table below will guide and explain each boolean (box).
  3. Once changes are complete, click Save (Process wheel).

Use Fiscal SummarySet to true unless advised otherwise by RDA
Use Fiscal MonthsSet to true unless advised otherwise by RDA
Cost and/or Shipping/Handling and/or Taxes and/or Admin FeeSet to true unless advised otherwise by RDA
Use Tax 1 to 5Use these fields only if your setup requires; RDA will assist you in completion of these fields
Admin FeeIs using an Admin Fee, the expression entered here will calculate during the Add PO Voucher process; Enter an expression here if the Use Admin Fee flag in the Generic Setup Variables is set to true
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required