Product Announcement

  • This is a new process that has been added within the last six months. 

What This Process Does

  • This process allows the user to reclassify vouchers to different expenditure or revenue account codes (voided vouchers are automatically excluded; additionally, while you can reclassify an existing balance sheet voucher to an expenditure account or revenue account, you cannot reclassify a voucher as a balance sheet type voucher with this new process). The voucher can be completely reclassified or partially to single or multiple expenditure/revenue accounts.

Best Practice

  • This process would be used for processed vouchers (distributed and cleared) as non-processed vouchers can be edited without the need to create offsetting entries and new vouchers.
  • The reclassify process automatically sets the bank rec updated flag to true and the updated by flag to RECLASSIFIED on the process tab in the voucher as soon as the reclassification entries are verified (there is no effect on Bank Reconciliation as the offsetting and new vouchers will be to the same bank identification as the original voucher).


  • It is recommended that reclassified checks and electronic transmittals be re-archived after reclassification if the stubs contain accounting information (be sure to range on check number or electronic number; and select cleared and not cleared).

Steps to Reclassify Voucher

  1. Procurement → Vendor Payments → Vendor Master → Vouchers (see additional information for alternative menu path)
  2. Select the voucher that you want to reclassify.
  3. From the Accounting Tab, click on the Reclassify Voucher button to the right of the Amount Reclassified field.
  4. The table below describes the various fields on each tab.


Override ValuesSet to TRUE to override values
Calendar YearCalendar Year of Vendor Voucher
Calendar MonthCalendar Month of Vendor Voucher
Fiscal YearFiscal Year of voucher
Fiscal MonthFiscal Month of voucher
Vendor IDUnique ID of Vendor
Vendor NameName of vendor; prints on Checks
Invoice IDUnique ID assigned to voucher
Voucher AmountDollar amount of Vendor Voucher
Transaction #Unique number assigned when voucher created
Voucher DescriptionUnique description used for Vendor Voucher

Reclassify Tab

ExpendituresDisplay Only Expenditure Totals for Reclassify Spreadsheet
RevenuesDisplay Only Revenue Totals for Reclassify Spreadsheet
Account Code BrowseSelect the magnifying glass to get a browse list of Account Codes
Reclassify AmountDollar amount of original voucher to be reclassified
Account TypeUsually expenditure, but may be Revenue or Balance Sheet
Account CodeAccount Code Vendor Voucher is being reclassified to
AmountDollar amount of line item

G/L Tab

Use Clearing FundIf a clearing fund is being used, this boolean will be flagged
Use Vendor Default CodesIf default account codes were established in the Vendor Master, set to true to use those accounts
Debit CodeDebit Code of Vendor Voucher
Payable CodePayable Code of Vendor Voucher
Credit CodeCredit Code of Vendor Voucher
Cash CodeRequired if clearing fund is being used, otherwise it will be grayed out
Due From CodeRequired if clearing fund is being used, otherwise it will be grayed out

Previous Tab

ExpendituresExpenditure Total for vouchers added in current session
Vendor TotalVendor Total for vouchers added in current session
RevenuesRevenue Total for vouchers added in current session
Invoice TotalInvoice Total for vouchers added in current session
DebitsDebit Total for vouchers added in current session
CreditsCredit Total for vouchers added in current session
Previous Adds ListList of previous vouchers added in current session
View VoucherClick to view the current voucher
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required