What This Process Does

  • Once posted, creates an encumbrance against your budget for expense that will be paid in the future.


  • Source ID and Site ID – The user must make sure the Source ID and Site ID is created. In the Purchase Order module under Setup, the PO Sites browse screen can be accessed and the Site ID can be added in accordance with the purchase order being created.
  • Address ID – There must be a valid Order Address and Remit Address assigned to the vendor attached to the purchase order. If there is not an Order Address that automatically populates the Order Address field, the purchase order will not be created.

Add EZ Purchase Orders

  1. Procurement → Purchase Orders → Add Tab → EZ Purchase Orders
  2. Populate applicable fields using the field description below as a guide.
  3. Click the Save button once all fields are populated.
  4. Upon saving, errors and/or warnings will display if required fields are not populated.

Fiscal YearThe fiscal year in which the purchase order is created
Source IDThe site the purchase order was ordered from
Ship to Site IDThe site where the purchase order is received
P.O. IdentificationThe identification of the purchase order being created
Verbal PO FlagSpecifically for reporting purposes
Blanket PO FlagSet to true if the purchase order is to remain open for an extended period
Multi-Year Project FlagSet to true if the purchase order is to cover multiple fiscal years
Vendor IDThe Vendor ID where the purchase order is from
CC IDA credit card number; useful if paying for the expense with an employee's credit card
Order Address IDThe vendor address where the purchase order is sent to
Remit AddressThe address where the check is sent to
Order AddressThe vendor address that automatically populates from the Vendor Master when the Order Address ID is chosen
Order/Approved ByThe person placing the order or approving the order
Ship VIAThe agency that's shipping the purchase order
F.O.B.Free On Board; specifics which (buyer or seller) is responsible for shipping expenses
Delivery DateThe date in which the order will be delivered
TermsThe terms of the purchase order payment
Attention ToThe contact's name
SalesmanThe person selling the purchase order
Shipping RemarksShipping remarks for the purchase order
CommentsAny comments about the purchase order
Paper Clip IconClick to attach scanned documents of the purchase order; must have F.A.S.T. Level 3
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

Lines and Transactions

  • Once saved, the EZ Add PO screen automatically comes up. This is the next step in EZ Add Purchase Orders. You would then proceed with adding your PO Line and PO Transaction information.