Best Practice

  • Archived purchase orders can be emailed to vendors with this report process. The vendor’s email address must be in the order address file.
  • Emailing the archived purchase order to the vendor can also be done directly from the Purchase Order Master, Archive tab.


  • Level 2 of the Archive Module (F.A.S.T.) is required to have access to email features.

Email PO(s)

  1. Procurement → Purchase Orders → Finalize Tab → Email PO(s)
  2. Range on PO Identification to email PO to Vendor.  (NOTE:  range carefully,  not ranging on anything will email ALL POs to all Vendors for the POs)
  3. Normal defaults for Select options include all except Select Emailed POs; therefore if a PO which was previously emailed needs to be emailed again, the Select Emailed POs needs to be true and Range on PO Identification entered.
  4. Run Report to email PO(s)
  5. This process sets the Emailed flag, Emailed By, Date and Time on the PO Master Archive tab

Range on PO IDPurchase Order that you wish to email
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required