What This Process Does

  • This process will re-open purchase orders in mass.
  • The report will show information on the purchase order(s) being re-opened, including if the purchase contains an outstanding amount.
  • If you wish to only re-open one purchase order instead of in mass, go to the Purchase Order Master and click the Closed flag to false then go to TRANSACTIONS and undistribute and delete the Close Disencumbrance transaction, otherwise your PO will not be available to use, even though it is open.  

Undo Closed PO Master

  1. Procurement → Purchase Orders → Maintenances → Undo → Close PO Master
  2. Range accordingly. Once range fields are populated, click Run/Print Report.
  3. The Unclose Purchase Orders Trail report generates. Review the report for accuracy.
  4. If the report is correct, click Cancel and set your flags.

Fiscal YearSo as not to open unwanted purchase orders, its recommended that range be narrowed down to the fiscal year the purchase order is in
PO IdentificationSo as not to open unwanted purchase orders, if you are re-opening one purchase order, range on the PO Identification
Closed DateSo as not to open unwanted purchase orders, range on the date in which the purchase order(s) were closed
Opt. = Optional  Rec. = Recommended  Req. = Required

Once the unclose process is completed, then  go into the TRANSactions and undistribute and then delete the Close Disencumbrance Transaction